So... now what?

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It's been a few days since the "Joseph incident" and school starts tomorrow. Honestly, I don't think I'll be safe, excluding the fact that I am starting my freshman year. I'm more scared about Joseph than anything, and I'm pretty sure my brothers can tell. If not all of them, then most of them.

I was currently in my room reading one of my favorite books, The Outsiders, when someone knocked on my door. It was Andrew.

"Hey, Andy. What's up, my little man?" I asked. He just giggled. Then, he went to my desk, where my radio was and put in a CD. I had no clue what type of music this was. Then, he came over to me with this weird, yet funny smirk.

"Clary, may I have this dance?" He asked as he extended his hand out and bowed down a little bit.

I laughed a little and stood up while taking his hand. "You may," I responded. I grabbed his other hand, and we started to dance. It was a slow song. He tried to spin me, but since I was taller than him, I crouched down so it was fair. As the song ended, he tried to dip me. I laughed, but my laughter stopped when I saw all of my other brothers with their phones out recording Andrew and I. I got up slowly and walked towards them.

"If you guys DARE put me on social media, you will be sorry," I threatened. I hate it when they do that. "And I won't make you guys anything for 2 weeks!" I said. They can't go one day without my cooking. I'm the best one in the house. Well, at least that's what they say.

All of their faces went pale. Then then took another minute to do something on their phones. They kept looking from the screen, then up at me. I kept a straight face. Then, they put their phones in their pockets.

"So, um, Clara. What's for lunch?" Shawn asked.

"Until I see proof of me not on social media, no one except Andrew is eating the food I make," I said. If Andrew was older, then I would of not made in anything too. But since he is only five, I have to make sure he eats something, and at least good too. Colton can't cook to save his life. It's really bad.

All of the boys took their phones out and showed me that I wasn't on it. I smiled.

"How about I make grilled cheese?" I asked. All of their faces lit up. Andrew was jumping with excitement. They all nodded their heads yes.

I walk downstairs, and I make the sandwiches. As I do that, my phone rings. It's a random number. I pick it up anyways.

"Hello?" I ask through the phone.

"Oí! Camilla! Vuelve a esta casa ahora!" A Spanish lady yells.

"Um, hola! Mi nombre no es Camilla." I told her that my name isn't Camilla.

"Lo siento, no me gusta el teléfono móvil," she says. She said that she doesn't like cell phones. I understand. I then explain to her that she can put "Camilla's" number into a contact so she doesn't have to keep typing her number.

"Ay, muchas gracias, amor!" She says very happily. She told me thank you, love.

"Te nada. Adiós, Buen Día," I told her to have a good day.

"Adios!" She says back. I hang up the phone. All my brothers were downstairs at this point, giving me the "where the hell did you learn Spanish?" look.

"I learned Spanish because of a class in 7th grade. The teacher spoke Spanish, and taught us while teaching Language arts. Now quit giving me that look," I said. They just walked away slowly.

I get the bread, butter, and cheddar cheese. I put the sandwiches on the stove instead of toasting the bread, and then putting the cheese in. Plus, the butter, which acts like Pam, makes the sandwich taste better, especially the crust. I cook a whole bunch and call my brothers down. They ran down the stairs like there was no tomorrow.

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