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"Well, this takes bringing work home to a whole new level."


"Hey Karen, what's up?" I say once I hit the accept button on my phone.

"We're going out for drinks tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to join us?" I could make out that us meant Matt and Foggy as well.

"That sounds great. I—" I stop mid sentence once I hear a noise from outside my apartment.

"Emma? You still there?" She questions. I hear some commotion and I check the peephole. I quickly back up once I see a big group of men forcing their way into Frank's apartment.

"I'll call you back." I say and quickly hang up. I grab the gun from under the table. Max hears the commotion as well and gets off the couch and stands by the door waiting. I hear some yelling and that's when Max starts barking.

"Max! Stop!" I whisper yell and try to pull him away from the door but he continues barking ignoring my pleas. It's too late anyways because before I know it there's a knock on the door. My blood runs cold and I swallow hard. Max's barking turns to whimpers. I take the gun off safety and hold it up as I walk closer to the door. I look through the peephole again and almost as if he knows I'm standing here and looking, he breaks down the door. I'm thrown back onto the floor but I quickly aim my gun as Max stands by me growling at them.

"Well, what do we have here?" A man says with an Irish tilt. Four other guys come into the apartment and they all have their guns pointed. I keep mine pointed at the ginger though.

Jesus, Frank. You just had to bring work home.

"What do you want?" I ask them, my voice surprisingly steady.

The man just smiles.

"Something that belongs to me."

"Well, I don't have it. I suggest you leave before I pul the trigger." I tell him. He just laughs.

"No, but I think you know someone who does." He steps closer and I sit up straighter.

"I don't."

"Put the gun down or we'll shoot this fella here." He crouches by Max but Max continues to growl at him.

"I'll put a bullet in you if you try." I grit my teeth.

"Darlin', I have four men on you right now. If I wanted to I could'a had them kill you in a split second you wouldn't have time to think of shooting me. Now, put the gun down." He says. One guy aims at Max. I keep the gun up for a few seconds longer trying to think of a way out of this but I come up short. He said it himself, if he wanted me dead, he could have done it already. I slowly set my gun down on the ground and kick it his way.

He picks it up, "good girl."

One of the guys grabs Max.

"Hey! Stop!" I yell at them and then two come over and grab me. I try with all my power to break free from them but they wouldn't budge.

One of them nods to the other and before I know it a fist is connecting with my face and I black out.

I wake up to water splashing on my face. I don't notice my surroundings and I start to panic once I realize I'm tied to a chair and there's a cloth tied around my mouth preventing me from talking. A man stands in front of me and I recognize him from earlier. How long have I been out for?

"You're up." He says. I'm confused by his words as he unties my feet and frees me from the chair. My hands are still tied as he shoves me forward and tells me to walk. I do what he says and I discreetly look around. What are they going to do? Why do them want me? So many questions fill my head but they all lead me back to one possible reason why this is happening. Frank of course. I asked him if I was in danger and he couldn't give me a straight answer. Guess I am.

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