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"Are you okay?" "Now I am seein' you in that lil number."


"It's your lucky day, Castle. The six dogs of hell you wiped out in Delaware won't be a problem anymore. Delaware doesn't have the evidence to charge and extradite, so the death penalty is officially off the table." I sigh in relief as Foggy explains everything he and Karen found out when they come back into the room.

"But Reyes also wanted three life sentences without the possibility for parole. I got it down to one with the possibility of parole in twenty five years." He is a criminal, he's killed people. I don't know what I was expecting. If anything that is honestly a good offer considering everything. But me and Frank have barely had any time together and now he's going to jail?

"The bad news...Reyes wouldn't budge on protective custody. He's gonna have to be in general pop." I shake my head.

"No, he'll be surrounded by criminals people out for his blood." I explain.

"Sounds like a party." Frank jokes and I send him a glare.

"Not funny." I state.

"No doubt you can handle yourself but I think Reyes is betting on the gangs here." Foggy says.

Jesus Christ, the correctional and justice system is so fucked.

"Legally though. This is the best possible deal right now so I recommend you take it." Foggy suggests. Frank nods, "okay." I'm not relieved though. Sure the death penalty is no longer an issue but a life sentence? Only in 25 years with the possibility of parole? I'm gonna be sick.

"Okay. So when the judge and Reyes come in all you have to say is three simple words. Guilty, your honor. Then you never have to see us again." My breath hitches at Foggy's words. The chances of me even being able to go visit him in jail are slim. So Foggy could be right, I might never see Frank again and that thought alone scares the hell out of me. How did I get so attached so easily and so quickly? He was just my neighbor and then he was something a little more and now we're just done?

"Can do." He nods his head. His eyes meet mine I bite my lip because I don't want to cry.

Foggy opens the door and everyone comes in.

"Case number 4854, The People v. Frank Castle."

"How does the defendant plead?" The judge asks Frank. We all look to him. When he takes awhile to answer I know that's a bad sign.

"I plead not guilty. You hear that, witch? I'm gonna watch you burn right along with me. You hear me?" He yells at Reyes and I swallow hard.

"We are adjourned." The judge says after she says a few things about going to court. They walk out of the room and once they shut the door behind them I turn to Frank.

"I want answers for you too, Frank. But this? This is not going to go smoothly." I say running my hand over my face.

"I need to make some calls, more importantly I need to talk to Matt." Foggy explains walking out of the room.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask Karen.

"Pray that Matt has a solution."

"The People v. Frank Castle is now in session." The judge bangs the gavel against the wood on the podium. I sit at the end of the table with Foggy and Karen. The open seat next to me is for Frank. Foggy wasn't too keen on sitting by him and Karen offered the seat to me. I of course agreed, anything to be close to Frank. Who knows when I'll be close to him again.

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