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"Frank, you just escaped prison and the whole state is looking for you. Maybe cool it with the killing?"


I'm awoken from my sleep with a lick to my face. I groan and roll to the other side but the lick happens again.

"It's my day off, Max." I groan. I open my eyes to see him sitting there waiting for me to get up and feed him.

"You want food?" I ask as I sit up. He gets excited and starts wagging his tail and comes up to lick me again. I laugh and push him away.

"Okay, calm down. Let's go." I stretch as I get out of bed and I go into the kitchen. I see the time on the stove. 12pm, Jesus, no wonder Max woke me for food. I open the cabinet to get his food out and I grab his bowl. When I went to get groceries the other day after my shift I had seen the cutest kit to make your dog a dog bowl. I grabbed it despite not knowing what I was going to design on it.

I couldn't sleep the other day because of Frank. All I could think about is when he was going to get out, I knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when. With him on my mind and my mind blanking for creativity I finally knew what to paint. I painted the entire bowl black and in white letters I wrote Max and right next to it I even drew a little skull. He was Frank's dog after all and for some reason the skull just symbolized The Punisher, especially seeing Frank's x-rays. I place the bowl down and Max happily starts eating. As I was about to make my pot of coffee my phone starts ringing. I go to my room to retrieve it and I see Matt is calling.

"It's my day off." I point out as I plop down on the bed.

"Frank escaped." I sit up right away. There it is, the moment I was waiting for. It was faster than I expected but I guess I wasn't complaining.

"What now?"

"Reyes wants us to meet with her now." Of course.

"I'll pick you up in twenty." I say and hang up. I quickly start to rummage through my drawers and I settle on a navy blue dress and I slip on my heels. I brush my teeth and look in the mirror when I'm done. My hair is still somewhat straight so I run a brush through it and leave it at that. I grab my stuff and I'm headed out the door to Matt's place.

"Let's see, lady. You brought us in because you want to get information off of us about our client." Foggy starts off by speaking as Karen, Matt, and I sit down. I knew I was right about Frank wanting something, wanting answers. Matt explained that Wilson Fisk was in the same cell block they put Frank in. There was no doubt in his mind Wilson helped Frank out.

"Yes, but we also need to get Frank Castle off the streets before he hurts anyone else."

"If you want our cooperating you're going to have to tell us everything you know. All your cards on the table." Matt explains. Reyes nods. Seeing her in a hoodie and jeans was a total change from her usual well put together self.

"I've made mistakes. Central Park...Frank Castle and his family- I screwed up."

"You were apart of it?" I question her. She sighs.

"It was a sting, word got out that the dogs of hell, kitchen Irish, and the Mexican cartel were doing a deal. We learned there was a new guy on the black market, they call him the blacksmith. So we set up a sting to catch him or any information on him, and it went south."

"You didn't clear the park, did you?" Matt shakes his head.

"I thought about it. But I decided an empty park would show our hand. So yes, I greenlit the operation civilian traffic and all." She looks upset, guilty even. But knowing she was part of the reason Frank was in so much pain made my blood boil.

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