2017 life lessons

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Hi, lovelies! The last couple of months had been quite rough for me, that is why I haven't had much time to post here. But anyways, I hope you all are enjoying the holidays! Before this year ends, I am going to share some of the lessons I have learned this 2017, which I'm surely going to apply in the future. Happy reading! :)


First, learn how to let go if you know it's for your own good. I've once read a quote which says, "Your mind can always measure what it will lose, it can't see what it will gain", which is actually really accurate. Letting go of something/someone close to your heart requires a huge amount of strength and effort, and it's never easy. However, if it's no longer doing you any good, if its impact to you is negative (e.g. stress, emptiness, or loneliness), let it go. Stop holding on to things/people that's hindering you from growing. You might think, 'I can't afford losing this person despite the pain', but really, don't just think about what you'll lose, think of what you'll gain from it instead.

Second, open the door for opportunities. Don't be afraid to try out new things, especially if it's something that can contribute to your growth and betterment as a person. Don't be scared to let other people in, especially if you feel that they have good intentions. Take chances, if you know it's worth it.

Third, don't depend too much on anyone, because at the end of the day, all you've really got is yourself. I went through a lot of painful experiences this year, and to be honest, I cried and picked myself up on my own during those days. I wanted to at least share my problems and ask for motivation or encouragement to those closest to me, but I decided otherwise. Since I'm the type of person who has a hard time opening up about how I really feel, I buried all the feelings inside of me and dealt with the pain by myself. Now, I'm a bit stronger, and I can handle the bad days much better.

Fourth, everything is temporary. People, material things, bad days. They are all temporary. It's good and bad at the same time, you see? Good, in the sense that when bad things happen, you can remind yourself that eventually, it'll end; that one day, all the pain you're feeling will be mended. It is also somewhat bad, in the sense that nothing really lasts especially when it comes to relationships with people. It's very, very rare to find someone who'll actually stay with you throughout the good and the bad, so if you do find one, make sure to keep them.

Fifth, choose your friends wisely. It's preferable to have a few ones with genuine heart and good intentions rather than tons of people who doesn't really care about you and are full of insecurities. Stay away from toxic people. Hang out with those who doesn't make you feel out of place, who actually listens to you and doesn't make you feel bad about yourself.

Sixth, it's better to be alone than be in bad company. Don't force yourself to be with people you're not comfortable with. If you're not at all happy with them, then you're better off alone. In connection to the previous one, you have to carefully choose the people you surround yourself with.

Seventh, don't be afraid to take risks. Doing something new and challenging might seem like a scary thing to do, and it's completely normal to feel that way. However, if you feel like you want to do it, that you can do it, then go for it. Take the risk.

Eighth, stop giving chances to people who don't deserve it. If they've done something really wrong, if they've hurt your feelings, and let you down more than once, then stop forgiving them over and over, because soon after that they'll start taking you for granted, and that's something you should prevent from happening at all costs.

And lastly, you are responsible for your own happiness. If you choose to be negative all day, then you end up being miserable as well. However, if you try to surround yourself with positivity despite having a bad day, then you'll end up feeling a lot better, because you yourself made that choice.


Those are some of the most important things I have learned (and proven) from this year's experiences. It was quite tough, but I did have my fair share of good moments along with people I love as well, which I'll definitely continue to cherish. Anyhow, thank you for reading! Please feel free to share the lessons you have learned this year as well, I'd love to read them. :)

Lots of love,

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