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I thought this won't happen today but guess what God really hates me because of course watching Taehyung talking about his crush like a happy little child hurts my heart but what can I do I have to act happy for him as I am his "best friend" as he uses to refer me.

The pain in my chest is building and the petals are starting to rise in my throat. I shut my mouth tightly so they won't come out in front of him.

The last person I want to know about my disease is him.

I take deep breathes through my nose and force the petal to go down again.

Once I feel they are not there anymore I open my mouth and tell him faking a happy tone

"Oh how I wish you both become a happy couple and last long"

He was so happy to hear those word that he just giggled happily and said

"I wish too Lisa that one day I can call her mine"

Hearing those  words shattered my heart and the pain started rising again before anything could go worse I excused myself to the toilet and locked the stall and started coughing harshly while throwing up beautiful white rose petals that kept on coming.

After 5 mins of coughing and throwing up these beautiful white petals I finally calmed and saw the beautiful  ruckus I had created in the toilet bowl after regaining some strenght in my feet I stood up and flushed the toilet.

I unlocked the door washed by face and gargled to make sure my breath doesn't stinks of vomit.

Well this had actually started 2 months ago after I realized that I love Taehyung but when he said that he had a crush on a girl I felt my heart breaking. I tried to move on from him but my stupid heart doesn't lets me I still love him and this one sided love just lead me too 'hanahaki' disease that I am suffering through.

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured without side effects only when the feelings are returned.

I quickly went out of toilet trying to not make him worry. I faked a smile and ignored the bizzare taste and the dryness of my throat.

Tae looked at me and sighed in relief before he could attack me with questions I lied

"Sorry for the late I just met with one of my acquaintance"

He believed me and bought my lie. Oh how guilty I felt for lying to him. But I am sorry I couldn't let him know about my state.

"Oh I thought something happened to you be quick next time." He said all I could do was smile and nod at him.


Vote comment and enjoy 💜💜💜

Be healthy💋❤.

        *edited* ⬜◼⬜◼⬜◼⬜◼⬜◼⬜◼

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