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A week had passed a whole fucking week and Lisa's condition had worsened.

She was a walking skeleton who hadn't had a proper meal for a God knows how many days or better to be said weeks.

Her eyes were watery as she had tears in them all while as if she was crying and were yellowish in colour while her cute chubby cheeks were sunken and her beautiful white glowing skin was just colourlessly pale. Her hair was dry . Her eyes looked too big for her small face.

If you asked Lisa how she felt she would honestly answer all she felt now was lethargy and wasted.

All Lisa wanted now was the pain to end and eventually her life to be ended. Lisa just lied at her sofa lifelessly she was surrounded by beautiful white roses. If you would ask why was she surrounded by flowers the answer is simple from last night Lisa hadn't moved from the sofa as she didn't had any energy left so she just coughed all her emotion for Kim taehyung which in the form of flower are surrounding her now.

Lisa had made sure to speak to her Unnie's and family last night as she felt really edgy yesterday as if she knew she doesn't has time left anymore.

This morning she had a call from the almighty Kim Taehyung but she didn't had energy to speak cheery so she was just whispering and when he asked what was wrong with her she just simply replied 'I will call you later I am sleepy right now'

It had been a while Taehyung hadn't met Lisa and of course he couldn't go on normally if he hadn't met her in 10 days and so he had planned to visit her dorm usually he would avoid going because her members would tease him about liking Lisa which was actually true.

He liked Lisa no he actually loved Lisa.

He would always talk about her when they would met as a anonymous girl just to make Lisa curious so that she would ask who the girl was but she would never ask it actually hurted Taehyung that she never asked about the girl.

And he thought its better not to confess. So they were still best friends.

And he didn't want to make Lisa uncomfortable with him and end their friendship So he just stayed as a friend but nowadays Lisa had changed a lot she wasn't the Cheery Lisa he knew who was all smiles and goofy laugh and total living meme just like him.

She was silent and all ears. So he wanted to cheer her up.

He rang the bell and soon it was answered by Jisoo

"Hey Taehyung-ah what are you doing here?"

"Ah I am here to meet Lisa its been a while I haven't seen her and I miss her a lot" Taehyung said

"Oh I see we miss her a lot to but she isn't here my dear."  Jisoo replied

"Then where is she can I know please I want to see her badlyTaehyung asked

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