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Taehyung had dropped Lisa at her dorm. When Lisa had entered the dorm all the members were busy discussing about something which peaked her interest so she decided to interupt them. When she asked them what they were discussing about they had told her about the party they had mentioned earlier for idols but Lisa was not feeling well so she had excused herself. And the evening had come when all the members except her had went to the party.

Lisa had decided to have something as Taehyung was clearly worried about her weight so she had made her self some eggs ,bacon and toast. After placing it on the dining table she sat and just took a small bite of the toast and when she swallowed it the process itself was a reason for her to not eat as the crusty hard toast made contact with her throat which was severely injured from the earlier experience just made the condition even worse so she pushed the toast and just tried to eat the eggs but God the pain was unbearable so she had to skip the real meal and had replaced it with a simple mango juice.

Mango juice also made her wince but it was bearable. As Lisa had finished her drink she thought about the time when she was the biggest foodie at her home and had a huge appetite so whenever she used to be hungry she just used to launch herself at the food and her mother used to nag her about her unladylike habits.

Lisa smiled at the memories. She missed her mother and her father. She missed her home at Thailand. Oh how she missed the old days but coming to Korea was worth it.

Lisa didn't knew when she slept because the last she remember was her thinking of her family. She checked the time it was currently 12:00 AM her members had told her they will arrive at late night and they had keys so there was no need for her to stay awake and wait for them so she slept.

The next morning she was the first one to wake up so she just took a long shower and then prepared breakfast for the members as they were tired from the last night party. She woke them up and told them to hurry as the pancakes would get cold.

When finally everyone were settled at their seats and having breakfast then Jisoo asked Lisa as to why she wasn't eating her breakfast Lisa knew they would ask her so she wasn't caught off guard she just casually replied that she had her breakfast earlier as she was hungry and was drinking the orange juice just to give them company.

Suddenly Jennie face lit up and she said
"Hey Liz ya'know yesterday we saw something very interesting at party and this actually is something that you may use at your favour in your fights with your best friend Taehyung"

Tbh Lisa wasn't interested at first but Taehyung's name peaked her interest so she just enthusiastically nodded.

"Okay so while every idol were having fun on the dance floor and some were playing games we saw Taehyung sunbae-nim and Irene unnie were talking privately at a corner and they seemed to be having good time because they were chatting, smiling at each other and some what little hits here and there from Irene unnie it really looked like they were dating. You know like they are the most shipped couple of K-pop and yesterday's interaction just added more fire to it"

Of course Lisa knew there was something between Irene and Taehyung because she herself had seen it and this just confirmed that loving Taehyung was just a hopeless dream but Lisa couldn't do anything because she hadn't choosed Taehyung but her heart had. Lisa tried to seem enthusiastic and cheered and thanked Jennie for the news and had said this would help her to escape any of her mistake next time.

Jennie just laughed at her not noticing the hurt in Lisa's eyes.

Lisa just went to her bedroom and cried and again she was choked by the beautiful blossoming white rose.

Her life had been going in a particular cycle these days
She would be happy because of Taehyung and then

Something would always go wrong and she would end up coughing her lungs out in toilet bowl creating a beautiful mess.


It might be boring but it was essential for the next chapter so please bear with me .

God wattpad was being a bitch to me whole day as I tried uploading this chapter yesterday 😒😒

Vote comment and Be healthy 💛💚

Love you ❤❤❤



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