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   'Kim Taehyung of Bts            marries Lisa of Blackpink  at a star studded wedding at Daegu'

Lisa sighed happily switching the TV off. She was currently in the honeymoon suite laying on the king sized bed with Taehyung nosing into her hair while she was hugging his chest. Their limbs tangled. She still couldn't believe that she is now married to the one and only Kim Taehyung, her ultimate crush, her first and only boyfriend. She still finds it unbelievable that Taehyung loved her back even after 7 years.

Well she never knew that they would  come so far in their relationship like it still felt like yesterday when they were sneaking kisses under the makeup table or the time she had visited his parents because apparently Taehyung had refused his mother to meet Lisa because he didn't want to share Lisa with them on holidays.

Lisa snapped to reality when she felt Taehyung tugging at her hair. When she raised her head to look at him she was greeted by a pout so she just smiled and asked

"Why are you pouting Tae?"

"It's been 1 hour and you haven't kissed me." Tae replied pouting in more. Lisa couldn't help but laugh at his cute behaviour.

"I am sorry baby" Lisa whispered on his lips and brought him into a sweet kiss while tangling her hand in his hair while he held onto her tiny waist.

Breaking from the kiss lisa nuzzled into his chest taking a deep breath of his scent.

It was moments like this that Lisa loved the most. When they both were so close yet they wanted to be more closer to each other. They had always been one of those couple who loved being clingy to each other and never hesitated demanding each other attention.

Lisa recalled the moment when Taehyung had proposed her. Lisa was  forced out of the dorm to buy groceries and when she had came back to the dorm she saw that the living was covered with white and black balloons. So she just stood there practically confused but then she saw Taehyung standing there with a big picnic basket. So she just gave him a questioning gaze and he just stood in front of her and suddenly got down on his one knee and said

"I know this is early we still have 12 movies to complete our 200 movies together and I still have to buy you the unicorn plushie and you have to become my maid for 2 days for punishment but still I can't wait any further. So Lalisa Manoban will you marry this idiot and become my night escapades partner forever ?"

She didn't knew whether to laugh at his silly confession or cry that he wanted to marry her and be with her forever. She had thought about him proposing her countless time saying all the kind of sappy romantic shits but here he is with a unique yet promising proposal that is even more better than those Romo situation because now that she thought this is them. They like being weird so it was great of a confession.

"I will but you better not forget  these things and my ice cream and cuddles nightshe replied.

They had spend the whole day canoodling each other.

Lisa loved each and every day in her relationship. She treasured each and every cute and romantic things to simple compliments to the stupid fights they had.

Lisa fell asleep while recalling the memories. Taehyung looked down at his now sleeping wife. She really made him the most happy man alive by agreeing to be his. And he really wouldn't want to say this out and boost her ego just like she does to him but he loved her more than Gucci.

Lisa woke up in the arms of Taehyung who was now carrying her to couch. She hummed in her sleep while nuzzlung into his neck for him to know that she was now awake. She smiled when she felt his lips pressing on her temple.

Taehyung sat her down on his lap. She just pressed a quick peck on the corner of his mouth.

"Sleep well?" He asked

"Yeah" She smiled.

He started feeding her the pancakes. And she started feeding him too. They smiled at each other almost  idiotically but neither of them complained.

After breakfast Taehyung had prepared her a bath and he even have her a back massage and legs massage. While Lisa was blushing profusely trying to get him stop massaging her but it was of no use because 'my queen should be treated properly and she should never face discomfort' he said.

Somehow only in Taehyung way their cute session got heated up leading them to devour each other at the bathtub. While drying each other kissing each other as if their life depended on it. Basically saying Lisa's life actually depended on it and same goes for Taehyung.

Lisa really loved this side of Taehyung where he would gently kiss each part of her body as if trying to treasure her and she knew he actually did. She loved how Taehyung would softly whisper to her and call her beautiful countless time. She actually loved how he turned into a total different person while making love to her.

The quiet whispered I love you's were the best part and while coming down from high him pulling her onto him and tightly holding her for her to know he was still present.

Lisa loved everything about the man.

And for Taehyung he felt blessed, loved and wanted by her whole he absolutely loved her and wouldn't let her go for anything or anyone. They had overcome all the hardships and they can do the same till the day the are alive.

                        The End...

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