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I hated cold earlier as the medicine for cold are usually drowsy but now even the medicines don't help me. I just want to forget everything and sleep through my worries and pain but sadly I can't. I don't really feel well since I have seen him and his crush.

I can feel my own weight and damn it feels hard to walk straight. And I feel so bad to make my members this worried. They had offered to take me to doctor but I was fast enough to refuse them by saying I already had went last night and he prescribed me to take rest which was partly true as I had went to doctor but he said to take the surgery as soon as possible or else its difficult for me to continue. Well tbh that really comforts me but at the same time its really hard to think that I wouldn't be able to see Taehyung but I would be free for all the pain.


I just got an message from Taehyung asking me to meet him at are regular place. Well I gotta be ready to meet him and be sure to hide all the traces of my sickness from him. And God please don't let him know or make me do something that might make him suspicious of me.

After 1 hour of good rest now here I am at the abandoned tree house that no one knew ever existed. Well its all thanks to me that we both knew about this place as I just used to come here when I was a trainee and missed my mom but after I met Taehyung I shared this place with him and he really loved it so who was I to say no to him.

Waiting for someone is what I always used to hate but its different for Taehyung as I always felt nervous and butterflies waiting for him. He was always on time it was just me who always used to be before the time. Couldn't let him wait for me.

While I was just busy thinking about him he appeared out of nowhere making me jump in my seat. He laughed at my reaction.

Oh god how I loved his laugh and that silly boxy smile of his.

While looking at him I too smiled stupidly at him. He just said sorry and smiled but suddenly his expression fell and he worriedly checked my temperature by placing his palm on my forehead and I am sure if I wasn't having a fever before I would now.

He just shot me tons of questions and all I could do was just laugh at his cuteness and assured him that I was okay. Well now that I have met him I feel a little bit okay. He was still worried so I just tickled him to distract him and guess it worked.

After he calmed down he tried to tickle me back but I was fast enough to run. After some games we finally decide to stop as we both were tired. He just laid opposite me facing me and intently staring at me I swear I had a mini heart attack  so I just cleared my throat and looked away.

But all of a sudden he said
"Lisa do you know what I like about my crush the most?"

Well I guess no day could be complete without him talking about her and here goes my heart beating painfully and the flowers that are starting to bloom in my lungs.

"Ahh uhmm I don't know you tell me " I smiled sheepishly and he sighed and said

"When she just feels sad for someone or she is about to talk her lips become real pouty. And when she is damn happy about something her eyes becomes real big and twinkles. God how I would love to kiss those pouty lips and want her eyes to twinkle every time she sees me"

Well the pain arised from lung to my heart suffocating it and then slowly arising to my throat so I just put my palm on my mouth and walked straightly to the washroom which was situated down on the ground I quickly barged into toilet and closed the door and coughed my pain out.


Damn it was a  long chapter and peeps the story only has about 2-3 chapters to go.

Hope you enjoyed 😊☺

Vote comment and enjoy 💜💜💜


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