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Oh God why do I feel so much pain today. Yes it used to pain always while coughing like this but today I feel like my throat is going to rip off. While I was coughing in the toilet I could hear Taehyung running towards the bathroom and soon enough he was banging on the door to open. He was shouting and yelling that if I won't open he would break the door and I knew he would do that if I don't open the door so I just took depth breath and tried to ignore the igniting pain in my throat and lungs and answered him

"Taehyung don't worry its just food poisoning after I vomit little more I would feel okay so there is no need to bring the door down." Hoping that he would calm down after my answer

"Lisa I won't stop banging till you open the door and won't stop yelling till you visit the doctor with me." He replied harshly and from the tone I could sense that he is dead serious and won't give up till I open the door and do as he has said me to.

"Okay okay wait I feel like puking so till I feel like I don't need to puke I won't come out and stop banging the door for God sake its literally giving me headache" I said sternly trying to suppress the the flower petals that was arising in my lungs. He stopped banging but still was shouting to open the door.

I just coughed and God the pain was at a brand new level. I coughed little but still the flowers were stuck in my throat and were not coming out.

Oh God it was choking me. I tried to force it out by inserting my fingers in my throat which made me gag and the next I knew is a sharp pain throughout my oesophagus was felt. It was peircing and burning and while I coughed this time some white petals were seen but this time it was coated with red liquid which was of course my blood.

Oh the beautiful flowers petals had turned into a horrendous site due to the blood and I even coughed some flowers this time as in a whole flower coated with my blood it wasn't easy for me to get it out of my throat. As I looked at it I came to know why was my blood on the flowers.

It was because the flowers had thorns on their stem and then surely Peirced my respiratory system.

After taking a look at the full bloomed flowers tears started making its way to my eyes as I realized I don't have many days left on the earth because the doctor had said to me once I start coughing the whole flower I would have entered my last stage. I stopped crying after releasing about the situation I am in rn so I tried getting up


Damn I am feeling so weak. I just want to lie down here. The nasty taste of my vomit and the irony taste of blood was hitting the back of my throat. Trying to avoid gagging I flushed the toilet and tried getting up. I failed to get up at the first try but second time I succeeded.

I opened the poor door because taehyung was abusing it for nearly 20-30 mins. As the door opened I came to face a really angry and worried Taehyung and God it wasn't a good combination.

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