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Lisa knew that her condition was going to be worse in the future and staying in the dorm would do nothing good to her and the members so she had to think of plans to escape from the dormitory.

She had to think about reasons which would not make the members suspicious and here she was in front of all the members. They were having their Friday movie marathon when Lisa cleared her throat and started

"Unnies I actually want to talk to y'all"

This actually caught their attention and they paid attention towards her

"If its about me and you sleeping together again then hell no I won't so quit it" Jennie answered sassily

"But unnie" as Lisa was just about to backfire Jisoo stopped them before they would quarrel

"Yes dear you can talk to us go on what's the matter sweetie"
Jisoo said

Lisa was brought back to reality and now she had to build her confidence again.

"You see last days I have been a little down and constantly in my room actually to be honest I feel homesick and I really miss my mom and dad" Lisa said

Rosè being the emo she is, teared a little and said

"Don't worry baby I too miss my mom -dad its been so long that we haven't met them "

Truth to be told Rosè was actually saying the truth they haven't met their parents for a while.

"So I have decided to stay at the apartment that my mom and dad stay at when they visit me if it's okay " Lisa said

"Hey I was kidding earlier you are always welcome to sleep with me you know I actually like when we cuddle and sleep together "

Jennie said trying to make Lisa feel better and Lisa just wanted to laugh at Jennie's comfort because Lisa knew Jennie secretly enjoyed the attention she got from the maknae.

Lisa just smiled and said

"I know unnie but I actually will feel well once I visit the apartment because it has some of my moms teddy bears it will make me feel home so can I stay alone for a week or two I promise I will comeback as the cheery Lisa you know please just this time and I even have Papa Yg's permission so please please please ?" Lisa said doing aegyo and of course they can't say no to the Royal maknae.

The next day Lisa had packed all her stuff and was ready to leave when the members were all teary and Rose started crying and started saying

"Yah you annoying brat why can't you just stay with us"

Jisoo tried to calm her down and Jennie started hugging Lisa tightly. Lisa just patted her back and said her goodbye.

Lisa arrived at her parents apartment it was lonely. Its lonely but just perfect I just wish  I can enjoy my last days when I am here.

All night Lisa was up coughing and choking on beautiful flowers and petals she had spent all her energy dragging herself to the toilet and coughing up. Atlast she decided to not leave the toilet and that's how she ended up Woking up at the bathtub.

She showered and messaged her members that she was doing okay which was actually a complete lie.

She just drank some juice and laid on her bed.

A week a whole fucking week had gone and Lisa's condition had worsened.


Be healthy peoples and I love you ❤❤❤


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