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You rush over to your iPad when you heard it go off, and light up. Throwing yourself onto the bed, you grab your iPad and slide your finger across the screen, answering the FaceTime call. Once you saw your best friend, you couldn't help but smile wide and squeal. It's been forever since you were able to FaceTime him. It honestly felt like years.

"Mr. Worldwide Handsome, how kind of you to bless me with your FaceTime call." You speak trying to keep a straight face, but failing as you started laughing.

Jin however just smiled and blew a kiss at the camera. "I've missed you, y/n!"

"I've missed you too! And everyone else! When are you guys coming home? I can't wait to see all of you guys again."

"Never. I love it here in America. I'm staying here while the others get on the next flight in a few hours to go back home."

Knowing he was joking, you just stared at him, and frowned trying to act sad but you was never a good actress. "Ugh. You can't stay there!" frowning as you try to fake cry, "I need you here, how am I gonna live my life without you? What if I need you just in case I get in trouble? I need you to protect me."

"I'll just send you a text message when I have a feeling you aren't being a good girl. I have my instincts." Jin started to bust out into laughter, causing you to crack your sad act and laugh as well. You two could never be serious with one another.

"Yeah okay, mom."

"Hey, I only want the be-" Jin was interrupted suddenly.

"Who is that? Is that y/n?" Someone said out of nowhere. Listening to the voice, you had to guess that it was Taehyung.

Shocked by them guessing it was you just by the sound of your voice, you answered their question.

"Y/N!!!" Taehyung said as he snatched Jin's phone out of his hand. "We get to see you tomorrow!" Tae had a bright smile and it made your heart warm. You missed seeing it every day.

"I can't wait, I literally miss you all s-"

Once Taehyung looked at the screen for a few seconds, his eyebrows raised up as if he was shocked about something. "Wait, did you cut your hair? Oh my god, it's so much shorter. Why didn't you tell us this, y/n?!"

Laughing at his shocked expression you just shook your head. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, to see if you all could recognize me or not. Only Jin knew." There was a pause and Taehyung didn't speak up. "Surprise?" You spoke up in an unsure manner.

The last time you personally saw them, your hair was almost down at the bottom of your back. Now, it's lying on top of your shoulders, so it is a really big difference. It was getting too heavy and too hard to deal with so you had to cut it. You didn't mind though because the shorter style looked really good on you. A change was something that you needed anyway.

"It looks really good on you. Keep it like that." Tae gave his opinion, smiling. You smiled back at the happy boy.

"Okay, give me my phone back," Jin demanded. "Go FaceTime her another time, this is my time."

"Bye y/n!" The boy said before he gave Jin's phone back. You waved at the camera, "Bye!"

With Jin's face appearing back onto the screen, you heard Tae leave Jin's room, closing the door behind him. You spoke up before Jin could say anything, "so how is everyone? Give me details about the life in America."

Putting on his thinking face, he begins to tell you about how the past week in another country was like. "Well, Jungkook still being underage here, he's not allowed to drink so we all still make fun of him being the youngest." You laughed, remembering how when you guys would get together and tease Jungkook about his age. "He's doing well though, he really likes it here. Namjoon is doing fine as well, although I think he needs to rest a little more. He seems tired lately..." Jin stops and thinks for a second. " Taehyung is as great as ever, he really loves going into the clothing stores and trying on clothes. He also seems to make a lot of friends with older people. Very outgoing. Definitely a heartbreaker. I think Hobi is getting a little ill, it being a bit colder here right now, he didn't pack clothes that would keep him warm, and it took a while to buy clothes that he liked. He's still our little sunshine though, all smiles and happiness." He stopped speaking as if he was done.

"What about Jimin, and Yoongi?" You asked confused, wondering why he didn't mention them.
"Oh right, sorry. Thought I already mentioned them. Jimin is still as handsome as ever, not as handsome as me though. I think he loves it here, but I know he can't wait to be back home."

"I'm glad you all are having such a good time, I wish I was there with you all... Now, what about Yoongi?"

"Thought you didn't really care for him so I didn't say anything."

"Jin, you know that I still care about him. We may not be friends, but I hope he's doing okay."

"Yeah, Y/N, he's doing fine. He hasn't talked much recently but that's typical of him. We saw him smile the other day though. Thought the world had frozen over or something." Both of you started laughing.

You looked at the time and sighed. It was 2 am and you really should get to sleep. Besides the boys had another flight to catch. One more flight and they will be home.

"It's really late here, and I should sleep. You guys need to get ready to leave also. Don't wanna miss the flight."

Nodding in agreement, Jin said his goodbyes and hung up the FaceTime call. Before setting the iPad on the brown wooden table beside your bed, you set an alarm for noon. You only had a few hours to sleep before you had to get up and meet the group at the airport. Throwing the blanket over top of you, you turn off the lamp and laid down. Sighing to yourself about how little sleep you were going to get, you closed your eyes hoping to fall asleep soon.

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