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It's been a few weeks since both you and Yoongi confessed your feelings towards one another. Although you two are not a couple yet, you both got closer than you thought you ever would. Not to mention, you both flirt nonstop.

However, you are still not allowed to be with the boys in public even though the rumors about the relationship have died down. Ever since the rumors, interviewers ask a lot about their relationship status. That and fans have resorted to stalking you even more to try to find out the truth.

Some fans still ship you and Jin throughout all of this even though you two were nothing more than friends. Some fans started to say you and Yoongi would be cute together, some say you'll be cute with other members, and then others... Are not too happy that you are even friends the group.

You were used to the attention before just by being Jin's friend but the rumor sparked interest among others. You've learned not to pay attention to everything now since there was so much. The only thing you really can do is live your life, and try not to let anything get to you.


You sat outside on the grass in your backyard enjoying the sudden warm weather. You were wearing plain black shorts and a white shirt today. You look up at the sky and close your eyes smiling in the process letting the heat hit your bare skin. You hear the wind brush through the trees and feel the cool breeze hit you as your hair blows with the wind.

Opening your eyes and looking down at the phone that was beside you on the ground, you pick it up and unlock it. Opening the Twitter app, you go to post a tweet.

@{Y/T/N} : it's such a good day outside today! don't you think so?

You post the tweet and scroll on your feed for a few seconds before you close out the app and go to your messages.

You decided to text Yoongi.

You: Wake up~~

You: It's so warm outside, you shouldn't be sleeping right now. It's nearly noon already

You knew he was sleeping right now since he never wakes up before noon unless he has something scheduled. He sleeps way too much.

Yoongi: You texted me as soon as I woke up, are you stalking me? o_o

You laugh to yourself once you read his message.

You: I would never... I'm not a overly obsessive fan.

Yoongi: how do I know that you're not just our friend because you're a crazy fangirl and you have private blogs about all of us?

You: ... I mean that's actually not a bad idea

Yoongi: crazy fangirl!

You: hey! you gave me the idea

Yoongi: Crazy...

You: Only for you

Yoongi: I think I almost puked at how cheesy that was

You: go away

Yoongi: No... But I'm coming over in a few, okay?

You: Okay, I'm in the backyard just grab the key hidden in the front and come in

Yoongi: okay, see you soon Y/N

You: Okay^^

You close out the messages and open up your music, clicking shuffle. You turn up your volume and listen to the music waiting for Yoongi to come over.


"I'm here, Y/N," you hear Yoongi say from inside the house. You left the back door open so you heard him as clear as day.

"Out here!" You yell from outside.

Your back was facing the house so but you knew he was coming outside from the sound of his footsteps. As soon as Yoongi walked outside, he bent down behind you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Miss me?" He whispered in your ear.

You shook your head no and he gasped, unwrapping his arms from around you. You laughed at his reaction and patted the ground beside you, telling him to sit down. He listened to you for once and sat down.

You turn your head to look at him. He was also wearing a plain white shirt like you, but he wore blue skinny jeans and white PUMA shoes. His bleached white hair was flowing with the wind and his attention was fixed on a flower that was starting to bloom.

You stared at him for a few seconds and then grab your phone, opening the camera. You wanted to capture the moment so you faced the phone towards him and took a picture. Hearing the sound of a picture being taken, Yoongi's attention moves over to you.

"Why did you take a picture of me?" He asks.

You opened the picture and hand him your phone, "You looked really cute at the moment and I couldn't help myself."

He took your phone and looked at the picture of himself. He smiled and gives you your phone back.

"You're such a fangirl. You're going to upload that to your private Bangtan blog, aren't you?"

You take your phone and put it on the ground in front of you. You fake gasp and bring your hand to your chest, looking at him with wide eyes, "I would never."

Your bad acting makes Yoongi laugh loudly as he playfully pushes your arm, "You're such a liar!"

"I'm sorry... I guess I was... Caught in a lie," You say, laughing.

"You didn't."

"I did."

"You're totally a crazy fan."

"Only for you, oppa," you try to say with a straight face.

Yoongi looked at you with wide eyes, "Did you just call me 'Oppa'?"

"I did," you answer.

"I thought you don't like using that word."

"Well since I'm a huge fangirl, I should use that word, right?"

Yoongi sat there thinking for a few seconds before speaking, "Yes."


It started to rain so both you and Yoongi went inside your house since neither of you wanted to get wet. The two of you sat on the couch... Well... More like Yoongi was sitting there and you were laying down, taking up all the room. Your legs are on Yoongi's lap even though he told you countless times to move. You didn't listen obviously but he gave in and let you stay like that anyways.

"Can you send me the picture you took of me earlier?" He asked you.

"Sure," you say.

You were already on your phone so you just went to your messages. You sent the picture to Yoongi and heard his phone go off a few seconds later.

"Are you going to post it?" You asked.

"Yeah, I am. It's a good picture of me."

"Well make sure you don't say anything related about me... You know, Bang PD and Sejin's rules."

He sighs, "Yeah, I wish that rule would just go away. I want to go out in public with you and the rest of the group. We all need to do something that isn't at your house."

You agree with him and frown a little. You did miss being able to go out with everyone. Group hangouts were always fun.

"There, it's posted," Yoongi said.

You look at your phone and wait for the notification. Finally seeing the notification pop up on the top of your phone screen, you click on it.

"@ BTS_twt: such a cute little flower" with the picture attached to it.

You don't know if he was talking about the actual flower or himself, but you agree.

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