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Just barely having enough money to pay all of this months bills, you pay all of them and cry a little inside. You had just enough to go grocery shopping once until you get paid again. Making a mental note to do that soon, you sighed.

You needed to get ready to hang out with Jin, but it was early and you were tired. Standing up from the couch, you lazily walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. You fix your hair and decide not to wear any makeup today. You didn't have the energy or the time for it today. After brushing your teeth, you left the bathroom and entered your bedroom.

Moving towards your closet, you begin to decide what you're going to wear. Opening the closet door, you stare at your clothes. Digging through everything that was hanging up, you pull out a plain pink shirt and a black jacket. Throwing those two items on your bed, you walk over to your dresser that was beside your closet. Opening up the bottom drawer, you take out a pair of black jeans. Throwing those onto your bed as well, you pick out a pair of underwear and a bra that match. You get dressed and slide on a pair of black vans. A simple outfit is always the best choice when you have no idea what to wear.

Hearing someone honk their horn outside, you assume it was Jin. You look out of your bedroom window and see Jin's car. You grab your phone off of your bed and walk downstairs, and leaving your house. You walk over to his car but slip on ice and fall landing on your butt.

"Fuck," You curse.

Standing up carefully, you brush yourself off and continue walking to his car. Opening the door, you sit down and close the door. Looking over at Jin, you see him trying to not laugh.

"Don't you fucking dare," You say as you put your seatbelt on.

He put his arms up as he grinned, "Are you okay though?" He asked.

You nod, and he started to laugh. You gasp and hit him in the arm.

"What? I can only laugh if you're okay, and you're okay so..."

"You're so lucky that I love you, Jin."

"Oh, what would I ever do without your love?"

"Hmm... Nothing?"

"Oh, dang you're good. How'd you know?"

"I know everything... Jin can we drive now?"

"Oh right, I forgot," he stated and put the car in drive.

"Where are we even going? It's like 10 AM."

"To a little bakery near the dorm, it's really great. Plus, no one really goes there this hour so I can actually go in it without being recognized."

You look out the window watching the buildings just pass by, "Well that's good. Do you ever miss not being able to go out at any time?"

You heard him sigh, "I do miss it but I wouldn't trade this life for anything. It's hard sometimes but in the end, it's worth it. Doing something I love and giving people something good to listen to at the same time. It's a win-win situation."

"And this is why millions of people love you, and the others. I'm so proud of my babies."

"Okay well one, I'm not your baby, I'm older. And two, I'm proud too. We've came such a long way."

"Shut up Jin, you may be older but you act like a baby sometimes, so therefore, you're one of my babies."

"I-... I have nothing to say to that."

"Cause I'm right?"

Jin just nodded and laughed in response. He turned into a parking lot, so you guessed that you guys were there already. He parked the car and got out. You followed his actions and walked with him into the little bakery.

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