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"Okay, since we are taking two vehicles, we need two people to not drink and be sober," Namjoon explained.

"Well since one of the vehicles is mine, I'll be one of the sober ones," you offered.

"Yeah, me too," Jin said.

Namjoon looked at everyone and smiled, "Well, that wasn't hard at all to work out. Y/N, and Jin it is then."

"It's funny because they are the two oldest... taking care of us. How sweet." Taehyung spoke out.

"Aww! Mom and dad!" Hoseok shouted.

Jin moved towards you with a glowing smile and held out his hand jokingly. You took it, intertwining your fingers with his. Hoseok started to jump up and down while clapping as soon as this happened, while Jungkook was screaming.

"Look at how cute mom and dad are!" Hoseok said as he stopped jumping, "I ship it."

Both you and Jin laughed while Yoongi's smile fell. No one noticed his reaction to it all though. He was just in the background, watching everyone's reaction.

"Ship it? We are just friend's Hoseok," Jin reassured him.

"Doesn't mean we can't ship it," Namjoon said.

"You guys kill me," you said finally able to control your laughter.

Yoongi stepped forward with a small, forced smile, "You all sound like the Twitter shippers, hold your fanboy feelings back."

"Never," Hoseok said.

Jungkook held his arms in the air trying to get everyone's attention, "Why ship Jin and Y/N, when you can ship Y/N with me?"

"But what about me?" Taehyung asked.

"Or me?" Namjoon added.

Jimin pointed to himself, "Even me?"

"Y/N would be cute with anyone in the group guys. We can ship y/n with everyone, but right now that only thing I'm shipping is us and this club we are going to," Jin said.

"For once, I actually agree," Yoongi said as he put his hands in his pocket and looked up at you.

Glancing at Yoongi, you nod in agreement. You were ready to go out and have fun. It was about time to finally enjoy things a little. You weren't going to go at first because of how little money you have but since you won't drink, in the end, it all works out.

"Okay, there will be four to each car," Jin said, "I'll take Yoongi, Tae, and Hoseok. Y/N can take Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jimin." All of you agreed to the arrangement and grabbed what you all need before leaving the house.

Arriving at the club, you show your ID and walk into the building. The first thing you noticed was, of course, the music. It was loud, but not so loud to where you couldn't hear anyone talking. The second thing you noticed was there were a lot of people. It's Saturday night so you expected a lot of people so it wasn't really surprising.

Wandering off by yourself, Jimin comes up to you and puts his arm around your shoulder, "Come on, let's go to the bar."

You nodded and the two of you walked across the crowd of people dancing. Finally getting to the bar, both of you sat down in a seat and waited for a bartender to come.

"What can I get you two?" The bartender asked.

"I'll just have a water, thanks." You said after Jimin said what he wanted. Waters were free st this club so he just nodded and handed you water without asking for money.

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