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short update since I can't sleep. :))))

Please keep continuing to vote and comment! It means a lot! :)


You wake up due to the sun shining in your eyes. Groaning as you put the pillow on top of your head, trying to block the bright sun. You opened your eyes and threw the pillow on the other side of the bed. There was no point, it was too bright. Looking down at the covers, you remember that you slept in Yoongi's bed. It was comfortable. You wonder if he would say anything if you started sleeping in his bed all the time when you stayed over.

Sitting up, you scratch your head and pull your legs over to the side of the bed. Basically rolling out of the bed, your feet hit the cold floor and you stood up. Not seeing Jin in his bed, you walked out of the bedroom. Making your way to the living, you saw no one. Weird. Walking back down the long hallway to see if anyone was here. You made your way to Hoseok and Jimin's room. Knocking on the door, you waited. No answer. You opened the door only to see no one was there. You checked Namjoon and Taehyung's room, and then Jungkook's. No one was home.

Oh well, they were probably at practice. Making your way to the kitchen to make breakfast, you started singing Go Go. Not caring about how loud you were, you entered the kitchen and immediately opened the refrigerator. Spotting the carton of eggs, you picked it up and set it on the counter beside you. Closing the refrigerator, you grabbed a small pan and set it on the stove. Continuing singing Go Go, you made your eggs. Once they were finished, you put them on a paper plate and set the pan in the sink. Grabbing a fork, you picked up your plate and walked towards the living room.

Turning the corner, you run into someone, dropping your plate in the process. "Fuck," you murmured. You looked at the person who caused you to drop your eggs, "Jimin! Look at the mess!" You whined before bending down to pick up the eggs off the floor.

He laughed at you, helping you clean up the mess. Standing up, you walked back into the kitchen and threw away the plate since it was paper. "I didn't think anyone was here," you stated.

"Yeah, everyone is at practice. I got a headache so I left early," he told you. "Here, let me make you some more eggs." You smiled, earning a smile back from him. You couldn't wait to eat something.

"Oh, before I forget," Jimin stuck his hand in his pocket, pulling something out, "Heres your phone. You left it at the party. I found it."

Your eyes widen, and you took it from him. You didn't even realize that you left your phone there. "Oh, Jimin, thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without it."

He laughed and got the eggs from the refrigerator, making you eggs since he caused you to drop yours all over the floor.

You put your phone on the counter and stood next to the younger boy. "So you were sleeping in Yoongi's bed last night, huh?" He asked.

Playing with your thumbs, you answered Jimin, "Yeah, for some reason he insisted that I slept in his bed and not Jin's."

"That's weird... Especially coming from Yoongi Hyung." You agreed and started to watch Jimin make your eggs.

"Like okay, can I rant to you real quick?" You asked. He nodded. "I don't understand why he's always mean to me. Like okay, maybe I am mean back sometimes but I don't start it. And when I got in the car before the party, he seemed different. He even complimented me, Jimin. He was nice!" you groaned, "and then when that Hwan dude was trying something, I know Yoongi had a right to make him back off. But Yoongi didn't have to drag me out of the party, take me here and then let me sleep in his bed. And still say that we aren't friends" You threw your hands up in the air due to frustration. "I don't understand!"

Putting the eggs on a plate for you, he handed you the plate along with a fork. You took it and began eating your eggs angrily.

Jimin turned to you, "I don't understand it either Y/N. Sometimes I catch him staring at you for a while, and then he'll come up with some sort of sarcastic remark to make you mad. He's even confusing me."

"Yeah, see-" You paused, "Wait, he stares at me?"

"Yeah, all the time."

"What the fuck."

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