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a/n I really have no idea how recording studios are or anything so if I say something wrong, I apologize in advance haha


You weren't allowed in the actual recording studio so you sat down in the lobby on your phone playing a game. You started playing Trivia Crack, but quickly switched to Crossy Roads when you kept getting the questions wrong. Quickly tapping your finger on your phone screen trying to beat your high score, you scream when you get hit by a car.  Looking up after you getting frustrated at the game, you see that someone was glaring at you. You felt your face heat up and you looked back down at your phone. Great way to embarrass yourself, you thought to yourself.

Closing out the game so you don't cause another scene again, you open your text messages. Clicking on your mom's contact, you quickly type out a text.

You: Hey! I miss you so much. How are you and dad?

You haven't talked to your parents much recently. They lived 5 hours away and still to this day, constantly worked.

Feeling your phone vibrate, you look at it and smile when you see that your mom texted you back.

Mom: We miss you so much too! Dad and I are doing fine. Along with our new addition, Mimi. How are you?

You: Mimi? Did you finally adopt the dog?! And I'm fine mama, I'm just tired and still poor.

Mom: Yes! We officially adopted her last week, shes the cutest!

Mom: *1 attachment* (a photo of the dog, picture Mimi however you want)

Mom: Still? Is that job not working you?

You: OMG! Mimi is the cutest!!

You: They work me a few hours a week which is enough to pay the bills since I have a small house but it would be nice to have some extra money so I can do things.

Mom: You tell them to give you more hours or mama is gonna come down and show them a little piece of something

You: ㅜㅜ mom nooooo

Mom: I'm only kidding sweetie. I have to get ready for work, take care of yourself and those 7 idiots you call your friends, okay?

You: They are 7 idiots, but you know you love them like they were your own children. Enjoy your day Mama, I love you.

Mom: How could I not love them? I'll talk to you later y/n, love you more. 

You smiled to yourself and closed out the messages, locking your phone in the process. You haven't spoken to your mom in a while so this was nice.

Hearing a bunch of commotion, you look up and see seven boys walking down the hallway. Right on time. You were going to die of boredom if they took any longer.

"Y/N!" Jungkook yelled when he saw you, "You really did stay."

Standing up from the white couch you were sitting on, you hugged Jungkook who was ahead of the group, "Of course I stayed. I told you all that I would," You stopped hugging the younger boy and looked at the rest of the group, "How did it go?"

"It went well. We could have finished about an hour ago if people-" Jin stopped talking and glared at Hoseok and Jimin, "didn't goof around the whole time." You laughed and looked at the two, shaking your head.

"What? We were just having fun." Jimin said while he put his arm around Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok looked at Jimin and then at Jin and laughed.

"You mean to tell that if you two weren't goofing around, I didn't have to sit down here for another hour?" You asked the two. Both of them shook their head and you playfully rolled your eyes.

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