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"Okay, I'm not going to lie but you all really killed it in the Not Today MV," You stated as you scrolled through twitter seeing someone talking about it.

"That was literally last year, why are you bringing it up?" Yoongi asked.

You looked up at him and you furrowed your eyebrows, "Uh, because it was good?"

You saw him quickly raise his eyebrows and roll his eyes. He looked down at his phone and you huffed. "Can you literally stop rolling your eyes at me? I just basically complimented you. The least you can do is say thank you."

Keeping his attention on his phone, he quietly said thank you. You smiled in response and looked over at Namjoon who was on the other side of the room, half asleep in the chair. The boys were having their dorms painted a different color, so they came over to your house for a few hours. Yoongi and Namjoon didn't have anything on their schedule today so it was just the three of you there. You sighed to yourself. There was a sleepy Namjoon and an annoying Yoongi in your living room.

You lift yourself up off the floor and grab the pillow that you was sitting on. Sitting back down once you had the pillow in your hand, you threw it at Namjoon hitting his right leg.

"Yes?" He spoke, not opening his eyes.

"You can sleep in my room if you want." He opened his eyes and smiled tiredly at you.

"Thank you," he got up from the chair and walked upstairs to your bedroom without saying anything else. You watched him walk up the stairs, and then disappear.

Sighing to yourself once again, you looked at the couch that Yoongi was on. He was sitting on the far right side of the couch, leaving the left and middle seats open. You got tired of sitting on the floor, so you stood up and sat on the left side staying away from the boy. You didn't like the chair that Namjoon was sitting on. It wasn't as comfortable as your beloved grey couch.

Your phone was at 5 percent, so you didn't bother getting on it at the moment. The charger was upstairs and you didn't want to wake Namjoon up so you sat there staring at the TV. You didn't know what was on, but it wasn't interesting at all. Grabbing the pillow that was sitting on the cushion, you pulled it to your chest and hugged it.

You was about to cry because of how bored you were. You didn't know where the TV remote was, so you couldn't change the channel. You frowned before looking over at Yoongi. You wonder how long you could look at him before he would notice. You didn't mind looking at the light colored-hair boy. In fact, you always thought he was attractive but he had an attitude problem. You did too, but he caused it most of the time. 

It felt as if minutes went by, and he still had all of his attention on his phone. You still looked at him though even if it was a little creepy, you had nothing better to do. You wanted someone else to come over, but they were busy. So here you was, sitting here staring at someone who you can't even have a good conversation with.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" He questioned, not looking away from his phone.

"I'm bored." You answered, watching the older boy. He locked his phone and then looked at you emotionless, "Go do something, and stop looking at me."


"Why not?"

"This is my house."

"So? And you're looking at me. This is my body."

"You're looking at me too."

"I'm only looking at you because you're looking at me."

"Enjoy what you see?"

He laughed, "No."

You threw the pillow that you was hugging at him. He didn't move fast enough, so it hit him in the face. You hoped that it didn't hurt him, but you didn't bother to ask if he was okay.

He threw the pillow on the floor and put his phone in his pocket, "what the fuck?"

You grinned and threw your hands up, "better start enjoying what you see."

He gave you a weird look, "and why is that?"

"Because I'm fucking cute and even though you hate me, I know that you think that I'm cute soooo," You stood up from the couch and walk into the kitchen leaving him in the living room.

"Hey! I don't hate you." Yoongi said loudly, completely ignoring the whole cute part.

You didn't reply back to his statement. Instead, you grab a cup and open the refrigerator, grabbing your favorite drink. You pour it into the cup and set the drink back into the refrigerator. With the cup in your hand, you walk back into the living room. His eyes were following your every step.

As you sit down in the chair that Namjoon was sitting in earlier, you look back at Yoongi. He was still looking at you, so you spoke up, "Look at who has a staring problem now."

"You're so annoying."

"Says the one who literally does everything in their power to be an asshole all the time."


this was short, but I apologize for not updating for a few days. I was on a social media break. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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