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Moon ending because it got the most votes.


Yoongi texted you and wanted you to meet him at the BigHit building. You didn't really know why he wanted to meet you there, but you didn't question him. You told him that you would be there in a few minutes after you get dressed of course.

It was around 10 am so you were still in the clothes that you slept in. Digging through your clothes, you finally pick a simple outfit that you like. Doing your hair how you like and adding a little bit of makeup to cover up your dark bags, you were finally ready to leave.

Grabbing the essentials, your phone and your car keys, you walk out of your house and walk towards your car. You unlock your car and get in, starting the engine. Putting your car into drive, you make your way towards the BigHit Entertainment building.

Before getting out of your car, you check your appearance in the rearview mirror. Fixing your hair a little bit, you smile and get out of the car. Locking the car behind you, you walk towards the tall building.

Pushing the door open, you see Yoongi standing near the entrance with his back facing you, "Yoongi! Hello," you say as you walk up to him.

He turns around and smiles wide before he pulls you into a quick hug, "Hello."

He pulls away from the hug but takes ahold of your hand. "Why did you want me to meet you here, Yoongi?"

He looks down at you and smiles more if that was even possible at this point, "You see..." He said as he started to look around the large room, "This is where we first met."

You hit his chest with your free hand, "That is so cheesy... What are you up to Min Yoongi?"

"Oppa to you."

You hit his chest again. "hey! Calm down Y/N, I was only joking," he said as his free hand went up to his chest, "You hit like a man."

"Shut up."

"Why are you so strong?"

"I have to protect myself, and I can't do that if I'm weak."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you."

"You're being awfully cute right now Min Yoongi... Why?"

"Can I not be cute?"



"I'm pretty sure being that cute is illegal... So you need to tone it down a little bit."

"You sound like a fangirl."

"So what? Maybe I am."

"You fangirls are crazy."

"hey!" hit him again.

"hey! Quit it!" He lets go of your hand and pulls you into a tight hug so you can't move your arms to be able to hit him again.

"Let me go," You beg.

"Not until you promise me that you won't hit me again, Y/N."

"I promise."

He laughs at your fast response and lets you go, "You must be wondering what the real reason I brought you here is."

"But didn't you say it's because this room is where we first met?"

"Yes, but there's more to it."

You crash your eyebrows together and look at him in confusion. What was he going on about? You bite your bottom lip and try to think about what the reason was, but nothing was coming up.

"Stop biting your lip. It's distracting," Yoongi said.

You look up at him, still biting your lip for a few seconds before speaking, "Don't look then."

"It's hard not to."

You didn't say anything but instead, you just stared at him. He's so cute when he's like this, you thought to yourself.

"Anyways..." Yoongi said as he put his hands into his jean pockets, "I asked you to come here because I wanted to ask you something."


"I was wondering if you would finally be my girlfriend?"

You suddenly was hit with a huge wave of butterflies and you couldn't help but smile as wide as you could.

"but..." he stopped talking.

Suddenly the butterflies stopped and your heart kind of dropped along with your smile.

"But? What do you mean?" You nervously asked.

"It has to stay a secret."

To be continued

book 2 is now out.

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