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your pov

"Jinnie!" You whined. The happy boy still held up your phone from him, not caring about how much you begged, "I can't reach it, give it back!"

"Not until you tell me what you was reading," he said.

"This is my house, I don't have to tell you anything," crossing your arms, you gave him your mean look.

Still holding the phone up with one hand, he took his other one and clenched his shirt by his chest, "That hurts, y/n. We are supposed to tell each other everything."

"Since when?"

"Since you said yes to becoming my friend," he laughed, "Duh!"

You uncrossed your arms and huffed. You stand on your toes and then grab ahold of Jin's biceps. Pulling his arm down, you snatch your phone with your free hand. Looking at a surprised Jin, you stick out your tongue and walk towards your couch, sitting down.

"Hey now, you just can't do that," Jin looked at you before he sat down beside you.

"I just did."

"Can you tell me what you were reading?"


"Why not?"

You were reading your old diary entries on this app you downloaded a long time ago. You just downloaded it again on your phone. It was quite embarrassing.


"Y/N," He poked your side, hoping to annoy you enough so you would spill the truth.

"Okay, fine. It was really old diary entries I found on this app that I had a long time ago."

You hoped that he didn't ask what they were about. You had a feeling that he was going to ask anyway.

"What were they about?" He asked you.

'You. They were about you. And every other member.' is what you wanted to say, but you knew he would ask what about them. So you lied.

"Just you know, stupid crushes and family drama that I had way back then. Honestly, these were so old, I must have been about 14," You spoke, hoping that he could just let it go.

He laughed, "Oh, I now know why you didn't tell me. I bet those are embarrassing, Y/N!"

You agreed with him. They were embarrassing. Which is why you're going to delete the app again as soon as possible.

"So, I never got to ask you, but are you okay? With what happened at the party?" He asked.

You put your head on his shoulder and sighed, "Yeah, I'm okay. It was just a wild, scary night."

"I bet. It upsets me to think that something worse could have happened if Yoongi didn't see and step in." Jin admitted.


"Well, I'm glad that you're fine," the older boy admitted, playing with his thumbs, "Speaking of Yoongi, he's been busy recently with his music. I'm proud of him, he's been working really hard. Although that poor boy could use a break every now and then."

"Is he working like how he used to?"

"Yeah, he's back to work during his free time. I think he's really onto something good. He has his mind set on finishing this one song. He won't tell us any details about it yet though."

You moved your head from Jin's shoulder, "Maybe he wants to surprise you all with it."

"Or maybe he's writing it for a certain someone and doesn't want anyone to know," He faced you and winked. You shot him a weird look.

You couldn't help but laugh at him, "Yeahhhh, okay. Unless it's about hating them, then I highly doubt it. Don't say thing like that, Jinnie!"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I think he's taken a liking to you."

"Seriously Jin, no."

"I'm serious Y/N! I'm not the only one who thinks it either."

You hit his arm, "Trust me, Min Yoongi does not like me. We aren't even friends!"

"You don't have to be friends to be attracted to someone."

"Okay, but explain why he's always mean to me then."

"I don't know. You're mean to him too though... Maybe you like him too!" You hit his arm again.

"I do not!" You protested. "I swear, you and Jimin, and whoever else believes that is delusional."

"Do you like Min Yoongi?"


"Do you think he's cute?"

"He's cute, but I don't like hi-"

"KNEW IT!" He said, practically yelling.

You looked at him with a confused expression. "Just because he helped me with that weird Hwan dude, does not mean he likes me. You guys are being so extra." You groaned and covered your hands with your face. Why is Yoongi always a topic recently? Why do they think that just because he helped me out, that he likes me? Can't someone just help another in need?

Jin looked at you with a serious look, "Extra is my middle name."

You grabbed the couch pillow and hit him with it before standing up, "I hate you right now," you stated as you walked to the kitchen.


After a while, Jin stopped teasing you about Yoongi. You two sat there and watched a few movies, had small talk and stuffed your face with food. That's typically how your days with Jin went. As the night began to end, Jin went home instead of staying over. Apparently, Hoseok and Namjoon got into an argument, so Jin went home.

Plopping down onto your bed, you reached for your phone that was on the other side of the bed. As soon as you grabbed it, you unlocked it and opened the diary app that you downloaded. Opening an entry, you read it.

December 15th, 2013.

I finally got to meet everyone in the group that Jin was in. It was really awkward at first, but I think they are great. Really cute too. Besides from being cute, they were funny and surprisingly easy to get along with. I was really expecting stuck up boys, but instead, I was faced with silly boys who try to embarrass each other a lot. I hope to be as close with them like how I am with Jin.

They go by their stage names, but I prefer their real names. V is Taehyung, I think. Rap Monster is Namjoon. J-Hope is Hoseok, Suga is Yoongi, and then there was Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook who went by their real names basically. Although Jungkook's real name is spelled differently. I may or may not have looked them up after meeting them. I had to know who my best friend was going to be spending all their time with.

But back to them being cute. All of them are cute, but that Yoongi person definitely caught my eye. That boy... He was so mysterious. He didn't really talk to me, other than when he was introducing himself. Now that I think about it, it was kind of rude. Oh well.

You laughed at the last paragraph before deleting the last entry on the app. After deleting the app, you locked your phone and sighed. He was annoying and rude from the beginning. What makes the boys think that he likes you? Maybe they are blind or something because you definitely don't see it.


this chapter is trash but I needed to get this whole diary thing and jin saying that he thinks yoongi likes you out of the way . in the end, it all ties up to each other.

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