While Amber and Davis were at the party with their friends, Barbara was soon to meet an uninvited guest.
There was a knock at the door, Barbara heard and thought it would probably be her children who had returned from their day, so she put a smile on her face . But to her surprise as she opened the door,She saw that it was the Doctor, then she asked"Doctor? What are you doing here at this hour,it's like 10:00 pm already".
" Oh yeah I know,but we never had time for coffee yet" He replied
"You only asked me for coffee this morning" Barbara said while folding her arms and giving a straight look.
"I just want to help you get your mind off this house and the kids" he suggested while looking into her eyes
" What's the catch?" She questioned.
"None at all"
She too in a deep breath and exhaled then said to him" Alright,you can come in ,I can't leave the house right now. it's late already."
He nodded his head and smiled "You're absolutely right" he walked into the house and looked around then went towards the parlor couch.
"So I'm curious,how do you want to help" Barbara asked
He took off his hat,then looked at her and held his jaw then replied "I'm going to help you through therapy"
" Therapy?" Asked Barbara
"Yes, Barbara...I mean ... Mrs Monroe"
Barbara looked at him and said "Do you think I'm crazy?"
"Oh no, definitely not, absolutely not...That's not the kind of therapy I meant" Dragrant said in a soft tone
"Then what kind of therapy?, Doctor Dragrant"
"Grief Counseling Therapy, I know how you feel about the death of your husband..."
She looked and him then smiled and thought she should give this therapy thing a chance. Then she heard his stomach growl. She chuckled and said to him "Alright, Before that ,What do you fancy for dinner, Dr. Dragrant?"
"What have you got?" He enquired.
"Not much, haven't been to the market today." Barbara admitted. "I think I could stretch some pasta, though. And there's cheesecake for dessert."
"Pasta's my favorite," Dragrant replied.
"Then later I thought we could pray before we start the therapy" Frank said cautiously.
"We should," Dragrant said. "That's a great idea."
Meanwhile at the woods,it was raining. The wind blew smoothly and the environment started to get cold. Bob suggested they lit the fire place to keep the house warm and cozy.
"That's a great idea you came up with" said Amber
"Oh it's nothing really, anyone would have thought of it eventually"
"Oh you're just being modest" she replied
"Do you think mum would be okay with us staying out this late?" Davis interupted
"Live a little,of course you are living...not like you're dead or anything...I mean err...Get your mind off whys and what ifs" said Deby
"You're doing that thing you do, making absolutely no sense and yet little sense" Scott implied
"I don't expect a no brainier like you to understand"
"C'mon guys, why can't you two get along" asked Amber
"Well, because they used to date" Bob
"Oooh my, this town is just full of surprises. I think we're up for a story "
Deby put her right hand on her head aunbearabler Amber, "it's not like we can't get along. It's just that he is just unbearable. I know a lot of men open their mouths without remembering to think first, but Scott had turned insensitivity into a damn art form!"
" Here she goes again" Scott implied as he rolled his eyes
"Are you saying I'm wrong?"
"Wrong would be an understatement, the truth is that you are miss know it all and you don't even know it all "
A tight frown formed on Deby's face and gave Scott a slap, then she took her bag and walked out of the house slamming the door behind her.
"I'll go get her" Amber said
Amber got outside lucky to find Deby sitting on the porch of the house,with tears dripping down from her eyes.
"I'm sorry for all that's drama in there "
"Well I've had my share of drama" Amber admitted
"It's just that deep down,I still love him" Deby confessed
"Then why do you treat him like that , although he deserves it sometimes"
She cleans the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hands "Because of what he did to me last summer,that's the summer before you came into town"
"I'd love to hear all about this ,but we should go back inside first. You'll probably feel better tomorrow after a good night's rest. " Amber suggested.
They both head back into the house, Deby and Scott looked at each other as she and Amber walked into the girls quarters.
The Cursed Phantom
ParanormalAmber and her family moved into a small town to start a new life. Soon to discover the terror that awaited them in their new home.