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{Natalie's POV;}

It felt different being at a party. I haven't been to one actually ever. I'm not even sure I like this. There's a lot of drunk sluts making out with boys and throwing up and a lot of boys taking advantage of them. I just got here and I already wanna leave. I texted taylor.

"I don't like this at all. I wish you could save me" I put my phone away and followed Jamie.

"J, I'm not sure I like this..." I said.

"Nat c'mon we just got here. It's so fun. Please?" she said puffing her lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Finee. But if anything gets to crazy were leaving right away."

"Yay I promise!!!"

She grabbed my hand and ran through a group of people. She handed me a drink. Took it and drank it. It was surprisingly good.

{Taylor's POV;}

Natalie texted me.

"First drunk text guys" I said holding my phone up laughing. I opened the message and read it out loud.

"I don't like this at all. I wish you could save me"

We all went silent.

"She's not drunk" Matt joked

No one laughed. I texted her back.

"Tell Jamie to take you home! We'll facetime!"

I was sorta worried about her. Jamie loves to party. I've been to parties with her and shit gets crazy. Me and her both did some stupid shit that's unmentionable and we both swore to keep it on the DL.

She texted back

"It's fine babee. I'm actually having a good time now #turnupp"

"Oh god. Guys she's drunk now." I said.

"I thought she wasn't feeling it?" Dillon said.

"So did I."

I texted her back.

"Your drinking now. Be careful please!"

She read it right away.

"I only had 2 drinks. I think I'll stop at 4."

"Okayy. Have fun I love youu!"

{Natalie's POV;}

I tucked my phone back in my pocket and watched Jamie get drunker and drunker.

"Jamie. I think you should stop drinking." I said guiding her around.

She stopped in front of me. "Don't tell me when I need to stop."

"That's it. I'm calling a taxi." I sat her on a couch and called the taxi station.

They said 15 minuets so I took her out side to get her some air.

~~~~ back home~~~~

I laid Jamie on my bed. Got her a cold cloth and some water.

"Natalie. Your so nice to me. I don't deserve you as a best friend." She drunkly said.

"Yes you do. You don't know what you're talking about." I said laughing.

"No I'm being serious. I've been keeping a secret from you for a while." I looked at her


"Well when you and taylor first started dating and you couldn't go to this party and you told us we should. We got so shit faced. We were dancing and shit. Then I kissed him."

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