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{Natalie's POV;}

----3 months later----

Today is the day. Today were announcing that I'm pregnant to our fans. We recently did a photoshoot that a lot of people do when they're pregnant. We picked to cutest picture in our opinion. We filmed a video two days ago and were gonna put it on YouTube. Taylor finally got his YouTube back so we get to put it on.

"@Taylorcaniff; okay guys. My first video back on YouTube with Nat is up. Go check it out!"

Taylor tweeted.

"I'm so nervous..." I said.

"Don't be. Were gonna have haters of coarse but a lot of supporters."

5 minuets went by and tweets started rolling in. Me and Taylor did a following spree and I did too. The video was a little over 7 minuets long.

Soon. Many reactions rolled in. I was scared to read them but I did. The first one I looked at was nice

"@CarolineCaniff; Omg I can't believe Natalie is pregnant! This baby is gonna be perfect. #Tataliesbaby #Tataliesnewvideo"

I retweeted the tweet and replied.

"@NatalieChapmen; Thank you soo much. I'm glad you support it❤️"

I saw one mean tweet

"@Tataliesucks; ew what a slut getting pregnant. This baby is gonna be ugly."

I just retweeted it. And creeped on her profile and wait till she notices that I retweeted her.

1 minuet went by she tweeted.

"@Tataliesucks; I can't believe Natalie retweeted me ommmggg"

I quoted it "@Tataliesucks;I can't believe Natalie retweeted me ommmggg" you don't hate me so much now😂

I followed ,tweeted,replied to some more fans and then I got off of twitter.

"So we got supporters and haters." I said. Taylor nodded.

"Are you gonna post the picture on instargram or shall I?"

"Let's post a different one from each other."

So we did. The picture I posted was of Taylor kissing my stomach,and Taylor posted the one of me and him kissing while holding my belly.

{Natalie's POV;}

--two weeks later--

Today is the appointment we find out the gender of the baby.

"@NatalieChapmen; Today is the day we find out the gender! I'm so exciteddd."

We were waiting for the doctor to come To the room. Taylor looked white as a ghost.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked. He didn't answerr for a while.


"Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine"


"I'm nervous."

"Don't be. We will fine. the baby will be fine."

Before he could say anything. The doctor came in.

"Helloo. Let's get right to it shall we?"

I nodded. He started rubbing the gel on my stomach. He put the camera thing on my and he said everything is looking gooddd. Do you guys want to know the gender?"

I grabbed Taylor's hand. "Yes please."

"It looks like..... A BOY!"

Taylor screamed "YESSSSS" he did a little happy dance. He gave me a tissue and said he's give us the prints when we leave.

I walked the gel off my stomach. And stood up.

"ITS A BOY!" taylor screamed and lifted me up and kissed me.

"I knoww I'm so exciteddd!! I can't wait to tell the fans!!" I said.

"Me too but let's tell our friends and family first."

I agreed.

{Taylor's POV;}

I cannot believe I'm having a baby boy!! I'm so happy, the happiest I've been in a while.

We got home, Nat and I started texting family and friends. She texted her mom,dad,and close friends. I did the same. We came to the conclusion that we are tweeting it tomorrow.

"Babe?" Natalie asked.


"How are you gonna go do magcon?"

"I'm gonna have to take a break till after we have the baby and till it's a few months old."

"I feel like I'm holding you back."

"Don't say that. I'm so excited for this baby it's not even funny. I rather be with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'm not letting you go through this pregnancy alone!"

Natalie is crazy if she thinks I'm not gonna stay while she's pregnant. Obviously I'm gonna miss everyone but they'll understand. All the guys want to come down and visit on there way back from Houston.

"The guys are gonna be here soon. What shall we order?"

"Pizza sounds great right now!"

"Pizza it is."

I called it in. I went to go get changed into something nicer than sweats. Natalie did the same.

I threw skinny jeans on a Y&R shirt on and my Lebron 11s on. Natalie wore a sundress that showed off her baby bump and wore flip flops.

By the time we got down stairs we heard car doors close.

"They're here!!" I said.

I opened the doors and hug everyone. And let them in. Natalie walked out of the bathroom and greeted everyone with a hugs.

She sat on the couch and let everyone touch her belly and talk to the baby. A smile never left her face. I sat next to her.

"Pretty amazing huh?" I asked everyone.

"Yeah. I can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle!" Matt said.

"You're all gonna be uncles to this baby!" Natalie said.

"Come up with any names yet?" Jacob asked.

"We just found out the gender to-" I began

"I like Noah" Natalie said.

"I like Jacob." Jacob joked.

"I like Noah too! but we still have 5 months to think about other names."

"That's true." Everyone agreed.

The pizza arrived 15 minuets later. We all digged in. We put 40 year old virgin on.

"Y'all should spend the night. Like a huge sleep over!" Natalie suggested.

"I'm down if y'all are?" I said.

Everyone agreed. This should be just like how magcon is.


Here's an update. Exciting chapter if you ask me! hope y'all enjoy.




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