Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV:

We had to start Natalie on kemo again. Which sucks to because she has really long hair now and she spent 2 years growing it out and now she has to lose it again. I honestly wish I could have the cancer rather than her. It absolutely sucks that it came back. She's was 99.9% sure it wouldn't come back and she could live a normal life.

By then her dad was here. In tears of coarse.

I whispered to Nat. "Should I leave?"

"No! I want you here aslong as you can!" she said above a whisper. I nodded and just sat next to her bed while her parents talked to her doctor.

I got a text from my parents. They woke up and I was gone.

" I'll be right back Nat!" I said.

"Where are you going?" she cried.

"My mom is wondering where I am. I'm just going out side so my cell phone doesn't mess with the electrical stuff." she nodded. I kissed her and left the room.

I dialed my moms number. She answered instantly.

"Where is the world are you!" she shot.

"Chill. I had to take Nat to the hospital." I said trying not to cry.

"No. What happened."

"Uhm. Her. her cancer came back."

The line went silent.


"Oh my god. I'm gonna be right there."

"Mom it's- and she's gone"

I tucked my phone in my pocket and walked back into the hospital room.

"My moms on her way." I told Nat.

"Good. I need another motherly figure." She said.

"Are you still thinking the worst?"

"How can't it Tay?" "I don't think you understand what it's like to have cancer. Get rid of it. And have it come back again.... I don't even think I understand!"

"Sorry babe. I'm just trying to stay positive. And no I don't no what it's like. And I probably never will." I said taking her hand. " But all I know is, I'll be with you the WHOLE way."y

Natalie's pov:

And then I woke up. This was all a dream. A terrible dream that my cancer has came back. And the sharp pains in the side of my stomach were period cramps. Phew, that dream seemed so real.

I picked my phone and texted Taylor.

"I had the worst dream ever. Good morning btw" I sent it.

I never usually text him first but if I do he knows it's something important. I hope he's awake. I really need to talk to somebody. I waited for 5 minuets. No answer. I walked over to my bathroom door and opened it. I turned the shower on. Got undressed and took a shower.

Taylor's POV:

I woke up from a great night sleep, I checked my phone. I got a text from Nat! Oh great what happened. I opened the text

"I had the worst dream ever! good morning btw"

"What was the dream? And good morning baby!"

I sat my phone on my night stand and stretched. I want to go see Nat so she can tell me in person. I threw clothes on deodorant, cologne, and brushed my teeth. I didn't wanna do anything to my hair so I threw a bandana in it. Hopped in my car and to her house. It took about 5 minuets to get to her house. I knew some short cuts so it wouldn't take 15 minuets. I knew her mom and dad had already left for work. And I know where the spare key is. So I got the key and unlocked the door. And went up to Nats room. Luckily she was still in the shower so I could surprise her when she came out.

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