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Rachel's POV


One word can be filled with so much emotion. Being pregnant changes your life tramaticaly. It means either having a kid or always wondering what might have been, It means putting your childs needs before yours for 18 years. And for me it means probably never being able to be on broadway and it defenitly messes up my perferct plan. I know Finn would never leave me, but this would still ruin my life.

Back to reality, I am staring at two lines on a stick. Who knew one extra line can change your whole life. I leaned into Finn and just started to cry.

"Its going to be okay, I promise, we can do this together" Finn tells me while rubing circles into my back trying to calm me down.

"I'm not ready for this, I wanted to make it big on broadway before having a child"

"Sometimes life throws you curveballs, but you still have to swing at them" 

"Stop it with all of the stupid sports analogys!" I instantly felt bad about yelling at Finn, I know he is just trying to make me feel better.

Finns POV

I was just trying to calm Rach down, she had no reason to yell at me, but I understand shes upset and shocked so I dont take it personally."How about we call your doctor and try to get an appointment in today or tommorow and then have both of our families eat dinner together so we can tell them"

"Ok, that sounds good, can you call the doctors for me please?" Rachel asks in a way that I just can't say no to.

A few minutes later I hang up the phone and tell Rachel that the appointment is in three hours.

At the appointment we find out that she is 7 weeks pregnant. That means... New York.

Rachels POV

Im so nervous and excited and scared all at the same time. A few hours ago I found out I was pregnant and now we are about to leave to go out to dinner with both of our parents. We arrive at breadsticks and get a seperate dinning room. At first our parents seemed a little suspicious on why we asked to all have dinner together, but we just told them that since we are getting married we thought it was a good idea for our families to grow closer. After the waitor delivers our food Finn and I exchange a glance. Finn and I stand up and he clears his throt to get everyones attention. 

"So Rachel and I have an announcment" Finn and I exchange a loving look and then he countinues " I am going to be a father!" Everyone is quite for  a second, but it feels like hours.

"I am so sorry dad and daddy, I know it was a mistake and will put me off track for nyada and broadway, but Finn and I love eachother and were going to get married anyway so its just a little early.." I start to babble until dad inturupts me.

"Rachel, its ok, I'm happy for you, I finally get grandchildren!" Carole exclaims. "How far along are you? When did you find out? "Did you see a doctor yet?"

"Thanks Carole, and we just found out this morning actuallly, and I went to the doctor today,I am 7 weeks along. I actually have pictures" I say passing them around the table. "Kurt, please don't tell any of the glee club members, we will tell them next week" Kurt nods his head, but doesn't say anything. The rest of the evening everyone congratulates us. Kurt never says anything, I am a little worried.

A/N I am so sorry for not updating, I had so much homework, and I also cant update until august probably, because I am traveling with my best friend. And then staying in London for a few weeks. Thank you so much for reading this, I cant believe almost two thousand people have read this! Please commet below and vote. Also I was wondering what is your favorite glee songs or just songs in general. My favorite glee songs are like all of them. No joke I have like 400 on my phone. Right now I am obsessed with somewhere only we know and come home (one republic). I am actually seeing them tommorow! Anyway thanks for reading!

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