Nyc part 1

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Rachels Pov

We just landed at Newark airport, the flight was pretty short although me and finn spent all of the flight either staring at eachother, in a loving way or 'eye sex' as Kurt calls it not in a creepy stalker way or making out which Kurt (and the parents surronding us) did not like.

Finn and I walk hand in hand to the exit to fetch a cab. We didn't have to go to bagage claim because all of our bags were small because we were just going for 2 nights. Kurt on the other hand did not like our carry on only rule, at first he had packed praticaly his entire wardrobe, until he heard the restrictions of how much he can pack.

We catch a cab to our hotel, we are staying at the Marriot Marque right in time square. We walk in and it takes my breath away, it is so tall and so fancy.

"O my barbra Finn it is so... perfect" I say squezing his hand. 

" O my Barbra? Who are you Kurt?" Finn says with a wink at me. Kurt promply stomps on his foot. "I was joking, Sorry little bro"

"Whatever Finn, I already had to sit through a whole flight with you too having sex ON THE PLANE" Kurt says.

"We did not have sex" Finn and I both said.

"Anyway we should get to our hotel room I have a surprise for you two so you guys need to be ready to leave in about 30 minutes if we want to grab some dinner before the sho- I mean surprise"

"Ahh how are we supposed to get ready Finn in only 1/2 in hour" Kurt yells "what is even the dress code for this" Kurt keeps on mumbling about how he probley didn't bring the right outfit.

We start walking to the elevator. 'Aww thanks so much for this suprise, I love you so much!" I say kissing him 'What is this suprise" 

Finns Pov

I want to keep this a surprise.

"I'm not telling you Rach" I say firmly

After about 45 minutes Rachel and Kurt are finally ready to go. We quickly walk to this Brazilian restraunt that is around the corner. I tell the waiter that we have to be somewhere by 7:30. The food was so good. Right after diner we walk outside. Kurt and Rachel keep trying to get the surprise out of me and I finally give in. "I got us tickets to see... Wicked"

Kurt and Rachel are bouncing up in down and start singing Defying Gravity and For Good, I try to join in, but I got yelled at by Kurt.

"I know Kristen and Idina won't be there preforming, but I am still so excited" Rachel screams with joy.

We finally arrive at the theater. Kurt and Rachel are gushing over the playbill. I feel a little out of my element here, but I then start to imagine that one day Rachel will be up on stage. During the show Rachel and Kurt are on the edge of there seat, I have never seen them so happy. I enjoyed the play more than I thought I would have.

We finally arrive back at the hotel. The three of us are staying in the same room, it has two queen beds. Rachel's dads said that if the two of us slept in the same bed that they would chop my balls off. Kurt claims the bed to the left and Rachel and I grab the other bed. Even though my manhood was threatened I know that Grilled Chessus would never let that happen.

Kurt speaks up "If you two have sex in the room, I swear I will kill you both in your sleep"

"Even me?' Rachel teases.

"Yes!" Kurt replies.

"Ok fine" I say. We start to get ready for bed and after Kurt and Rachel's routines we all crawl into bed.

After about half an hour I realize I can't fall asleep due to the noise of the city and Kurt's snoring. I look over at Rachel and see that she is still a wake. I whisper to her to meet me in the bathroom. We start ripping each others clothes off and do it on the bathroom floor.

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