Telling the Glee Club

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Rachel's POV

Right now I am pacing back and forth in my room. I called every one up last night after telling our families and asked if they all wanted to come over tonight for a movie at my house. Surprisingly everyone was able to come, I even invited Mr. Shue. Since its only ten a.m and everyone's not coming over until after dinner I decided that I wanted company. I was about to call Finn, but decided to call Quinn instead since she went through this already. She answers after a few rings and she agrees to come over to my house in a few minutes. When the door bell rings I let her in and we head to the couch. 

"Quinn, I need your help with something, its kinda an adult problem"

"Holy Crap are you pregnant" Quinn almost screamed. "Wow, deja vu. That reminded me of our conversation about his proposal" I dont respond and just hung my head and started all out sobbing.

Quinn's POV

'Holy Crap! How do I help her? Calm down, Quinn, you have been in her situation what would you have wanted someone to have said to you?' I thought to myself (A/N not sure how to quote thoughts, sorry if its grammatically incorrect, I am more of a math person, not writing). 

"Rachel, its going to be okay, I promise, I know this is a big event and it will change your life, I'm not going to lie, but you have a whole back bone of people to support you" I say in a calming voice. "I survived and you are a lot better off, I had no one, the Glee club was supportive and all, but I didn't have my parents or my boyfriend (or the father)" I say trying to lighten the mode.

"I know I have it better off, my relationship with Finn is extremely stable, we told our parents yesterday and they were ok with it and I know I can always take a semester off of NYADA, but it still sucks!" 

"I know, but when your older you will look back on this as a blessing in disguise, you and Finn will love that child and wouldn't want to imagine a life without it" I hear her stop crying and look up to me.

"You really think so?"

"Positive" I affirm 

"You and Finn make a great couple, perfect actually, you both look so much happier when you are together. I am so sorry about anything I did in the past to jepordize you two"

"Thank you so much, Quinn. You have made me feel so much better. I have been meaning to ask you if you want to be my maid of honnor at our wedding, we are not sure when the exact date is, but we are hoping soon, before I get too fat!" Rachel asks alittle bit unsure of herself.

"I would be honored!" I say leaning in to hug Rachel. "Wouldn't Kurt get a little offended?" 

"He is going to be the wedding planner and will have a role in the ceremony not sure what yet" We both countinued talking for a while and then decided to go to the mall for lunch and buy Rachel some maternety clothes.


Rachel and I just got home and we decided to order pizza and invite Puck and Finn over. We told Puck about Rachel's pregnancy and he took it pretty well and congratulated Finn on finally knocking her up (that earned him a slap from me). During dinner Finn and Rachel started making out.

"Are you two trying to make twins or something!" Puck shouted,

"Calm down, I;m happy for them" I said.

"Yah me too" Puck admitted."Want to make out?"

"Ugh, your too kind" I replied sarcastically.  We ended up just like Finn and Rachel.

Five minutes later the door bell rang and Santana and Brittney arrived. Within 10 minutes everyone arrived, a movie was choosen and popcorn was poped. Everyone was seated when Finn and Rachel stood up. "Ok, guys first off, thank you for coming, it means alot that even though we are no longer a glee club together anymore we can still all be friends"

"Cut the crap and get to the point, Berry" Santana inturupted.

"Anyway.... I'm pregnant!" The announcment was recieved with shocked faces by the rest of the club, except for Mr.Shue.  After a second people started congratulating them. They all took it pretty well. I was surprised that Mr. Shue didn't say anything, he was really supportive when I was in Rachel's place. 

Rachel's Pov

Everyone seemed to take it well no one got upset. I was a little worried that Mr. Shue didn't say anything.We started the movie and after it ended people started leaving. At the door I confronted Mr.Shue about his lack of speaking. 

"I already knew, didn't Finn tell you? I ran into him at the drug store and he was looking at the tests, I talked to him last night on the phone and congratulated you two. You guys will make great parents, even if it is a little on the early side".

"Thanks Mr.Shue your opnion really means alot to me, Im so glad you aren't disappointed in me"

"Of course not Rachel, you are one of the best (if not the best) student I have ever had, you will never disappoint me" Mr. Shue said. I thanked him and gave him a goodbye hug.

A/N when should I have the wedding

A: rushed wedding the next week at the court house

B: Thanksgiving break

C: Later after baby is born

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