First Day Of School

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Rachels pov

The alarm goes off and I get out of bed and roll my eyes. Today is the day I have to tell Madame Tibido that I am pregnant. I think I can still stay in school if I just take off the spring semester and don't take any dance classes. I was about to roll over to give Finn a wake up kiss when I felt sick. I rushed to the bathroom. I felt arms wrap around me. 

"Hey Finn, sorry to wake you up"

"No problem Rach, I needed to wake up anyway. Are you sure you're well enough to go to school?"

"Of course, its probably just a combination of nerves and pregnancy. I'm worried of what madame Tibido will say when I tell her I am pregnant."

"I am sure she won't be too mad"

"I don't know she can be pretty harsh" We started getting ready and although we both wanted to take a make out break we know we couldn't since its the first day of school. At about an hour and a half until our classes start, Kurt and I left the apartment to catch the subway. We had to switch lines once so we allowed ourselves about an hour to travel in total. By the time we arrived to school I only had half an hour to tell madame Tibido and get to class. I knocked on her door and she signaled for me to entire.

"Hello Rachel what can I do for you"

"Hello Madame Tibido. I actually bring bad news. My fiance and I are expecting a child. Now I was wondering if I could maybe double up on theater and voice classes and not take any dance classes this semester and then take off the spring semester and then in the fall double up on dance classes. I know it means graduating a semester later than I was supposed to originally. Is that ok?"

"I am furious Rachel and disappointed in you" Madame Tibido said in a calm yet scary voice. "I trusted you to not do anything that would damage your chances of making it big on Broadway. I thought you were ambitious and had your priorities straight. I guess I was wrong. Do you know how many pregnant students I kicked out of Nyada in the past couple years? All. Why should I make an exception for you?"

"Please, I know I disappointed you. I am so sorry. It was a mistake. I know I don't deserve it, but please give me a second chance. Nyada is my dream school. Broadway is my dream career. I know I can do it. I do have ambition and I will work hard. You wouldn't regret giving me a second chance." I begged.

"That's what you said last spring. I don't give second chances and definitely not thirds. You think you are the best. Your not. This school has hundreds of students who are 100 times more ambitious than you and just as talented." She continued "I don't know what to do. You deserve to be kicked out, but I had great hopes for you. I really thought you might of had a shot."

"I know I don't deserve it, but please let me continue studying here."

"Fine, but I really need to see something that proves I made the right choice by letting you stay. And if you make one little mistake your out. Come by after school today to pick up your new schedule. For today just follow your current one and tell the teachers of your situation."

"Thank you so much, I swear you wouldn't regret this." With that I run out of her office and too my next class. I walk in right as the bell rings. I apologized to the teacher and took my seat. The class went by quickly and before I knew it I was in front of my classmates and madame tibido ready to sing. I thought for a moment thinking about what song I should sing. I decided to sing Arms by Christina Perri. During the entire song I kept thinking about Finn. Finally my day was over with and I was ready to go home. 

Thank you guys for reading and voting it means alot. Wow 3.1k!

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