First Day of School part 2

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"Hey Kurt" I shout trying to get his attention.

"Oh, hey Rach, I was just looking for you. How did it go with Madame Tibido?"

"It went ok, she was pretty disappointed, but we were able to work things out. Let'sgo.I can't wait to tell Finn"

"This might sound cliche, but I have never seen anyone as in love as you two"

"Thanks, Kurtie, your too kind" I said "But its true Finn and I are soul mates, I am just so glad that he wasn't trapped with Quinn after babygate part one"

"Yah, me too" Kurt replied "You make a much better sister in law than Quinn would have, even if she has a much better fashion sense"

"Hey! My fashion sense has gotten better since softmore year!"

"Thank god, I still have nightmares about those animal sweaters"  Kurt said.

"Oh like when you tried to help it was so much better"

"The cat suit was better than the sweaters"

"Not according to Finn" I defended myself. We took the train back to the apartment. Once we got there I ran into Finn's arms. "I missed you so much baby"

"So did I. How was your first day? How did it go with Madame Tibido?"

"It went pretty well, she was disappointed, but I am not kicked out so that's good. How about you?"

"It went pretty well except for this one girl who tried flirting with me." I started getting pretty mad and I guess Finn noticed because then he defended himself. "I told her that I had a beautiful sexy pregnant fiance"

"You forgot talented"

"Of course" FInn said leaning down to kiss me.

"I can't wait to be able to call you my husband that way nobody else can have you"

"That's already true baby. Anyway I was thinking that for the wedding we could just have a small ceremony like just with the New Directions and family like maybe the Saturday after thanksgiving" Finn said.

"That sounds perfect" I said "I wouldn't be all that big by then also, with the right dress it would just look like I could lose a few pounds"

"You would always look perfect to me baby, even when you get big" I pushed off onto my tip toes and kissed Finn, We ended up getting pretty heated.

"Will you stop it you two! Why don't you get some homework done or at least some wedding planing."

"Ohh that sounds like a good idea" I said excitingly. "Lets start on the guest list, that way we can get the invitations out" I dragged Finn off to our bedroom. I still get a happy feeling inside when ever I think about saying our bedroom. Finn and I started by making a list of everyone we wanted to invite. Besides the old glee club and Mr.Shue and Ms. Pillsbury and my dads and Burt and Carole, we also decided to invite first cousins, aunts, uncles, a few of our parents friends and coach Bestie. 

"Should we invite Sue?" Finn asked. 

"I don't know. I don't want her mocking our situation"

"I know what you mean" Finn said.

"But we might as well invite her if we didn't she would just show up anyway" I said surrendering.

"Do you want to maybe invite your Mom?"

"umm, I guess so she is my mother after all."

After a while we finished our invite list. We decided to also invite Sean (A/N the guy from season 1 who was paralyzed). We then started talking about who we should have as best man and maid of honor and everything. We decided that the best man would be Noah and that the maid of honor would be Mercedes. We deiced to make a new position for Kurt called man of honor. We figured he could help us plan and be able to be a major part of the ceremony. For groomsman it would be Mr. Shou, Sam, Artie, Blaine, and Mike. For bridesmaids it would be Santana, Quinn, Brittney, Tina, and Miss Pillsbury.

"Wedding planning is allot of work. Do you want to maybe go to this bar called callbacks, we can invite Kurt?" I suggested.

"Ok lets go ask him" We walk in to Kurt's bedroom and see that he is skyping Burt and Carole.

"Hey" Finn and I say at the same time.

"Hey you two how is new York? Are you having fun?"

"They sure seem to be every night and through most of the day I hear those two bunny rabits going at it" Kurt answers for us. "I mean are you two trying to make another baby?" Kurt asks us.

Finn and I both look extremely embarrassed  so I decide to change the subject, "Finn and I have ben doing some wedding planning. We still have to look at venues, but we made an invite list and have decided to have it over thanksgiving break."

"That's great you two, why don't you do that more instead of going at it like rabbits, to quote Kurt"

"That's what I kept telling them." Kurt replied. We talked to Carole and Burt for about 30 more minutes and then ended up just going out to dinner at a local Italian place down the street.  

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