Finchel Future

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Finn's POV

Tonight I am thinking of telling Rachel that I changed my mind and that maybe I should go to New York with her. I was going to take her to the trainstation and tell her that I decided to not go to New York, but honestly she is the best thing that has ever happened to me so why should I let her go? I am going to marry her even if its the last thing I do.

I knock on her hotel room door.

"Hey handsom" she answers.

" You look breath takingly beautiful" I say kissing her. "You ready for our date?'

"Of course, Where are we going?"

"This nice little romantic reaustrant. I want to talk about the future." We get into a cab. She leans her head onto my chest. "I love you, soon to be Mrs. Hudson."I say kissing her cute little head.

"I like the sound of that" She says chuckling a little.

The cab pulls up in front of the reastaurant.

"Oh my god Finn its beautiful"

"Finchel?" The waitor asked a little confused about the name I put down for reservations. He leads us to a little room that has lights strung and soft music playing in the background. Rachel looks so excited so I lean down and kiss her deeply.

"So... the future" She says after we ordered.

" Yah, So I had a plan in place for a couple weeks. I was going to leave you at the train station. Not because I don't want to be with you, but because I love you so much and you deserve better than some Lima loser like me, but then I was thinking that that is just cruel. So I am letting you decide you can go to New York be in broadway shows be a big star maybe marry another broadway star or a movie star and never look back on your lima loser boyfriend, and I promise I won't be in your way to stardom or I can come with you to New York we can get married and I can try to get a teachers degree at a colloge in New York."

"Finn, I love you so much, you are not a Lima Loser you are perfect and if you want to go to New York we can get a little appartment together and start our lives there or we can stay in Lima. Finn, I never want to leave you."

We kiss deeply until we get interupted by the waitor who is bringing our food.

"New York get ready for Finchel!" I say.

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