Chapter 1

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A/N: New story for Monday updates. This story idea was given to me by my friend Caitlin (justtanotherrgirl). She thought she wouldn't make it good enough for you guys so here I am. I just hope I live up to her idea and my readers' expectations of my stories. This story is rated 'R' and that's because there will be smut. I will be putting this -> XXXX before any chapter with smut. I hope you guys like this! Stay Flawless my Lovely Smiles!

P.S. The update schedule is on my profile.

Nikkie :)s

"Let's start with the new case on Hoying." My boss clicked on the screen to the picture of the most powerful drug lord in California. Twenty eight year old Scott Hoying. "Mitch?" I snapped my attention away from the picture and began to walking up to the podium. I glanced at the people sitting in the conference room. I cleared my throat, rubbing the smooth skin on my chin. I grabbed a dry erase marker to write on the white board next to the picture.

"Scott Hoying is the main drug lord in the California area. His father, Samuel, was the main boss before his death when Scott was seventeen. Now, Scott had no contact with his father when he was being raised in Texas. But as soon as his father's death was told to him, he moved to California and was dropped out of public school." I was writing key information down on the board next to the photos of Scott and his father. This case was my pride and joy. This case is what made me become an agent. "Scott Hoying is six three with blonde hair and blue eyes. When he was little, his mother forced him to dye his hair brown. The method was suppose to make it so we didn't recognize when he came to power.

"Supposedly, Scott wasn't suppose to take over the family business until the age of twenty four. But drug deal gone wrong and Samuel was shot. This made Scott, when at the age of seventeen, to become the youngest man in his line of work." I was now turned back to my fellow agents, explain the situation by looking into each of their eyes. "Unfortunately for us, Scott is known as one of the richest families in the United States so the media is involved in his life. We have to be very careful about what we do to the Hoying family and household so the media does not catch wind of us.

"The media though revealed some information that our agents were unable to uncover. One month ago we sent Agent Kirstie Maldonado in to woo Scott Hoying into revealing information about his ring. Later, the media released a story about Scott and his fiancé breaking up. His male fiancé. It was believed that the women that Scott was dating when he was younger was to keep his homophobic father from finding out." That hit a small nerve there and I couldn't stop myself from pausing what I was saying to look over Scott's photo in a sympathy. That was something we had in common.

"Excuse me?" I turned back to the other agents. "What's your plan?"

"My plan is to send in a male agent to seduce him. We need proof that what he is doing is really happening." I drew a line between the picture of Scott and Samuel. "Scott took his father's 'company' and turned it into something bigger. I mean, it's a worldwide operation now. He turned something so small into an organized and very well hidden operation. If it wasn't for his father, Scott would have been doing this for years to come right under the government's nose."

"What would this agent have to do?" One of the new agents spoke up. This was the only reason I was giving this whole speech. New agents.

"This agent would have to make Scott feel comfortable. Comfortable enough to spill secrets. The agent doesn't necessarily have to be intimate to point of sex, they just need to get information. And we know nothing about Scott's sexual tendencies. So we have no idea if he'll be aggressive or submissive."

"What Agent Grassi is trying to say is that we will be putting a senior agent as the seducer." My boss interrupted. Ryan had been the new boss when I became an agent.

"I didn't need saving." I was erasing the white board after everyone had cleared out of the room.

"I didn't save you." I felt Ryan's arm wrap around my waist. "When are you going to let me take you on a date?" I turned around, pushing back his chest so he was no longer touching me.

"How about never?"

"Why?" I opened my mouth to respond. "Yeah. I know. The job comes before your social life."

"Plus you're my boss. I don't want to become the office's ladder climbing whore." Ryan sat on the table with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You're going to be the senior agent." I stopped working and turned to look at him. "You're going to be the seducer."

"Me?" I couldn't believe this. I'm so awkward when it comes to flirting or trying to be seductive. That's why I haven't been with anyone in four years. Why I put my job before anything else. But it's a logical approach. Ryan and I were the only known gay agents in our division. Ryan couldn't leave because he was the leader so that left me. Or someone who was willing to act. I highly doubt that though.

"Your awkwardness and attraction to men will help you be against any sexual advances."

"But-" Ryan put a finger up to my lips.

"This case has been your focus ever since you got here. The youngest agent in our facility. Don't you want to bring an end to it?"

"Yeah but...." I was trying to think about what was keeping me from accepting this. "I'm not a field agent. I've gone undercover once and-"

"You were great at it." He put his hands on my waist to pull me closer. I wasn't into my boss. We didn't have a relationship but that didn't keep us from flirting with each other. Hell, I haven't had sex in four years. All of my relationships quit as soon as I became an agent. "Just say yes. Accept the job."

"Fine." He tried to kiss me and I moved my face away. 

That's how I spent two months away from the office and making it look like I didn't exist. I wasn't allowed to leave the apartment I was in. I couldn't stand being lock away. Especially when I would watch the news and watch the people killed by the drugs the Hoying family was selling. That was our theory. The drugs that Hoying was giving out were randomly spike with a dose of poison that would slowly kill the user with insanity. And then seizure. He was a killer and it was driving me insane that I wasn't out there trying to catch him.

"You look different." I turned from the cork board to look at Ryan. I hadn't seen him in what seems like forever.

"Two months doesn't do much."

"Well, I don't think I've ever seen you with a beard. And you've lost weight." I turned around to look at my research.

"You put me in an apartment that I can't leave. I've had research, sleep, and exercise." I rubbed the scruff on my chin. "The beard was because I thought I'd try something new."

"Well, Mitch Derren. Here's your new identity." He threw a manilla envelope on the table. "Tonight is the night. Kirstie is getting you in."

"What exactly is my job in his eyes?"

"A secretary. Pretty much. You'll help in the office and start some office romance." I rolled my eyes to mask my uncomfortableness. I didn't like this. I was quiet in school and that kept going in life. I was weak. I don't like being noticed. I hate having to flirt.

I just felt uncomfortable when I was around an attractive male who liked me. I guess with Ryan it was different because I didn't find him that attractive. Maybe it would be the same with Scott. I've only seen pictures of him and they didn't make me feel all hot and bothered. I was going to be fine.

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