Chapter 6

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For ScomicheExplorer

I was wondering around the house to avoid Scott. He hadn't been coming out of his room lately and that man was back. To say I was annoyed was an understatement. It was annoying the living hell out of me. I rolled my pants up as far as I could and dipped my legs into the water. It was refreshing. I glanced over the house, stopping at a window where Scott was talking on the phone in only a pair of jeans. How could I be so pissed at someone so gorgeous?

"Mr. Derren?" I didn't jump at the sound of Grace's voice. I didn't even look away from Scott. Three weeks and I've gotten use to her sneaking up on me. "Mitch?"

"Hmm." I hummed in acknowledgment, watching Scott throw his hands up in frustration. She took the spot next to me and put her own legs in the water. I shifted my attention to her. She was a beautiful young girl. Her eyebrows were blonde, suggesting that she dyed her hair black. Her eyes were blue. In fact, she could be Scott's sister. "Are you related to Scott?" She laughed.

"I dyed my hair because of that exact question." I waited politely for her answer. "No. He's like a big brother though. He saved me."

"Saved you?"

"I was a junkie. Sixteen, dropped out of high school, pregnant." She said the whole sentence with a hint of sadness. "Scott took me. He helped me clean up act and even bought me a tutor. He gave me and my baby a home."

"Your baby? Why haven't I seen them?"

"She's at home schooling right now. She's eight. She stay in the other side of the house. Away from what this place actually is." I nodded. That was smart. I couldn't see Grace as a mother. She's so small and professional. I can't even see her as a junkie. "He's been a father figure to Jiana. He's a nice guy Mitch. He just thinks he needs to be a bad guy. Especially after you told him about your parents."

"It sort of just....slipped out. In my anger." I looked back up at the window that held Scott's beautiful frame. He was holding his phone in his fist, resting his chin on top of that fist while looking out in the distance. "He's mad at me. Isn't he?"

"No. He blames himself for not knowing who did that to you." I looked away as Scott and I seemed to lock eyes. I studied the pool instead. It was like a public pool. It had a shallow end that slowly descended to where I had my feet in the deep end. Then a figure eight hot tub behind me a few feet away. Scott really was loaded. "Why don't you talk to him?" Grace asked.

"Too scared. Why doesn't he talk to me?"

"Too stubborn." That's the only thing that was keeping him alive. I want to kill that man but then I felt myself wanting to give in to him. What if it really was someone else sabotaging his business? What if he didn't cause the downfall of my family?

"I guess we'll just stay in this standoff." I stood up and continued to search the house. I found a game room with a big tv and every console ever built. I found a movie theater. This house was giant. And it was sitting on the side of a mountain. I walked into the big library and made my way through the shelves until I came to an opening with chairs and table.

Scott was sitting in one of the chairs, his feet thrown up and crossed on the table. He had a pretty sizable book laying on his propped legs. He eyes scanned every word quickly and he turned the pages in about thirty seconds.

"Can you really read that fast?"

"Yes. Now do you mind." He was irritated by me again. I sighed.

"Why didn't you do something better with your life?" He slammed the book shut and threw it on the table with a huff.

"Well, a real job wouldn't be any fun now would it?" There was so much sarcasm in that sentence. I crossed my arms over my chest in annoyance.

"Are you going to continue being a dick?" I was once again surprised at what came out of my mouth. I came over to the seat next to him. I watched him ignore me and pick back up his book. I took it from his hands.

"Palpebration. Noun. Repeated blinking or winking."

"What?" He finally looked up at me.

"That's the last word on the page I stopped on." I flipped open to the title page.

"Scott." I held the book up in my hand, making sure he could see the spine of the book. "This is a dictionary. This is the 'P' dictionary. That means you've read the other fifteen."

"Your point?" He didn't seem ashamed and he didn't seem phased. He actually had a sparkle of pride in his eyes.

"Why didn't you get another job Scott? I bet you couldn't of been a teacher or a lawyer or a translator. Since I'm guessing you know other languages." I was expecting him to cut in and tell me that exact number but he just quirked an eyebrow. "How many other languages do you know?"

"Fourteen. I have a very good memory." He was still giving me short answers. I didn't want him to be mad or annoyed at me in any way anymore. I had to make small conversation. I want this man behind bars.

"I only know a little French from high school." Scott suddenly took his legs off the table and leaned towards me.

"Comment voulez-vous que je vous l'intérieur de vous?" I couldn't piece any of that together. I got 'How would you....of you?' He cocked his head to the side and went to whisper in my ear. "Slam vous contre le mur. Vas te faire encule sans pitié. Vous souhaitez que? Droit, Mitch?" I didn't know what he was saying. He was talking too fast for me to try and understand.

"What did you say?" He went to walk out of the library but I grabbed his arm and stood up. "What did you say Scott?" He grabbed the collar of my shirt in his fist. I gasped as he brought his lips to my ear.

"How would you like me inside of you?" One of his hands proceeded to slip around to my back belt loop. "Slam you against the wall. Fuck you mercilessly. You want? Right, Mitch?" He took a step back. I let out a loud sigh. I had been uncomfortable pressed up against him. "It's a rough translation but I think you get the picture." As soon as he let go of my waist, my legs failed on me. I ended up falling on my knees before continuing to my butt.

I didn't know what to say as he walked out. I just sat there and tried to calm myself down. That was extremely hot. I mean, he made every word so powerful and roll off the tongue with a perfectly seductive tone. I couldn't move. Everything he said, I wanted. I wanted him to slam me against the wall while he invaded my body. I tried to stand up and my legs were so wobbly that I fell back down again. I've never actually had my legs not work like this. No one has ever done this to me. I looked where Scott disappeared.

"Please come back."

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