Chapter 19

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For Scomiche_Lover

A/N: One more!!

"How are you feeling Mitch?" I held Wyatt closer to my chest as Ryan walked into my apartment unannounced.

"I'm fine." I lied. I was miserable. I wanted to be with Scott kissing my neck to wake me up as the satin sheets slid across my skin. Wyatt hissed as Ryan came to sit by me. "What do you want?" My eyes were red and puffy. I spent most of my time crying and under constant watch.

"Scott. He doesn't want special food the night before he dies. He wants you." My heart began to beat faster just at the mention of Scott's name. I wanted to see him so badly.


"What? Did you think we were going to put you in danger?" I put my hand on Ryan's thigh. He tensed.

"Please. I need closure." I moved my hand higher when he seemed to hesitate.

"Okay. Fine." I smiled in triumph. I had to wait awhile but soon I was escorted to the prison where Scott was being held.

"I want privacy."

"You'll yell if you need me right." I nodded. Then I took a step into Scott's cell. I could feel they were still watching me.

"Mitch-" I smacked him across the cheek to make them think that I didn't like him anymore. The officers chuckled and walked away. I was left alone with Scott. "Mitch I'm-" I pulled him into a desperate kiss. He brushed the tears away after we broke the kiss.

"I missed you."

"Oh god. I thought you hated me." I grabbed his hand.

"No. That's why we're running."

"Are you crazy?" He tugged my hand away. "We'll be caught before we get out."

"No we won't. They left everything open behind me." He looked out of the cell. There were no guards in sight. "Trust me." We slowly made our way out of the cell and pass the meager security they left a the gate. I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins. I can't believe they trusted me.

"Hey!" We stopped as one of the guards shouted at us.

"Run!" I shoved Scott towards the entrance as a shot fired and we ran. We ran so fast. I found myself laughing at the rush I felt from all of this. We slowed down to a walk and pulled Scott into a tight hug. "I can't believe that worked."

"You didn't even know." I shrugged as he began to walk away. I felt something over take my body.

"Scott?" He turned to look at me. "I feel cold."

"Mitch!" He caught me before I hit the ground. My body was being cradled in his arms. Those wonderful blues eyes. "You're shot. There's so much blood." He put his hand on the wound to slow the process of bleeding out. How did I not feel this before?

"It's doesn't hurt." My voice was quiet as he held me in his arms. My eyes began to shut slowly. He shook me.

"Don't you dare close your fucking eyes!"

"I don't feel any pain Scott." In fact, my body was just numb. I could feel the blood that was pooling out of me but I couldn't actually tell I was dying. Getting shot was suppose to hurt.

"Maybe it missed-"

"You read all those books....what do they say?" He turned away so I didn't see him crying. He took a deep breath to regain himself so he could talk.

"The bullet could have stayed whole, it could maybe have missed vital organs. But if it didn't or it shattered-" He let out a loud sob and tears were falling on my cheeks. "I could be spending the final moments with the person I thought I would grow old with." I brushed the hand that wasn't bloody up against his cheek to try and comfort him. He broke down. "Fuck Mitch! You can't fucking leave me. I need you. I love you."

"I love you too." For some reason, I couldn't cry. Everything felt really blissful at the moment. I gasped as the pain came to my body. I looked at Scott for help.

"Your body is going into shock. Find something to calm you down." It felt like I was shaking and instead of being cold, I was starting to feel warm. That's when I remembered what people say about death.

It slips over you like a warm blanket.

I found myself starting to panic and I knew it would only make things worse. Make me die faster. But my brain was going through scenarios. There was no doubt that if I died, Scott would turn himself in. He would be killed. And it wouldn't be murder like before. No this time it would be like suicide.

"Please don't leave me." His head fell down against my chest. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't promise him because I knew it was one I may not be able to keep. He might have a dead man in his hands.

"I'm tired Scott."

"Don't fucking do this to me you asshole." I let out a weak laugh. I could feel my body growing tired and I fell asleep listening to Scott beg for me not to close my eyes. I'm sorry Scott.

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