Chapter 16

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For Fcuter

A/N: Sorry for lack of updates. I got really busy. Hopefully back on track.

P.S. Anything said in a different language is translated by Scott so you don't have to google translate


"Grassi. That's Italian right?" Scott came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yes." He kissed my cheek.

"Do you know any Italian?"

"No." I looked over my shoulder so I could meet his eyes. "But you do don't you? Mister fourteen different languages." He put his lips to my ear.

"Se mi chiedessero di morire per un tuo bacio lo farei, solo cosi potrei vantarmi con gli altri angeli di aver visto il paradiso prima di arrivarci." I love the way he could easily roll different languages pass those perfect lips.

"What did you say?"

"If they asked me to die for one kiss of yours I would do it, only this way I could boast with the other angels to have seen the heaven before going in it." I felt a blush make its way on my cheeks. That was really sweet. He was smiling at me.

"My mom would love you." He sat down on my desk and turned me around so I was standing between his legs. He tilted my chin up to look at me. "She always wanted my brother and I to learn so we would be able to talk to my grandparents. We were suppose to go to Italy to live with them after my parents died."

"What happened?"

"They didn't want us. They didn't approve of my mother's marriage." He brushed his fingers along my cheek.

"They missed out."

"They're still fucking alive." I shook my head.

"If it makes you feel any better, the only family I knew was my mom and my dad." I laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly.

"It doesn't. It makes me feel sorry for you."

"Why didn't you tell me when we were in Italy? We could have seen them." I shook my head.

"I liked spending my time with you. Besides why would I want to listen to you guys talk in a language I don't understand when I could be laying in bed with a gorgeous man like you?" He smirked.

"The feeling is mutual." I glanced down at his lips. Yesterday, Scott told me he loved me. And I said it back. That's the first time I told someone I loved them. Well, besides my family. I guess I never imagined falling in love with someone I trained for years to put in prison. But if Scott were to be thrown in prison, I don't know what I'd do.

"Fuck Mitch." Scott sat up to kiss my neck as my nails scraped across his shoulder blades. I had to admit knowing my feelings made sex so much better. I wasn't confused. I wasn't constantly thinking what we are. Actually, I was still wondering. I slammed him back on the pillows, pinning his arms above his head. I giggled. "You're adorable."

"I-I-" I found myself speechless with blush on my cheeks.

"And you're amazing." My hips were rolling down on his. He kept throwing compliments at me and I don't know, it made me feel happier as I reached my release. I was staring up at the ceiling, laying next to Scott. Wyatt was laying on my stomach and I was petting him.

"I've never had a guy say he loves me."

"I've never actually meant it till now." I looked at the cat in my lap. I didn't know how to respond. Scott kissed my shoulder lightly. "I wish I knew more about you." I loved the feeling of Scott's satin sheets slipping over my body.

"So ask me." I turned on my side, putting Wyatt between us.

"Why'd you become an agent?" I was uncomfortable talking to him about this. It was awkward. He was breaking the law while I was suppose to be enforcing it. Even though I was sort of breaking the law. I was technically an accomplice. With my job too. I wasn't suppose to have sex with him. But here I am, confessing my love and spending every night with him.

"I wanted to put bad guys behind bars."

"And in cuffs?" I glanced at him and he waved one of his eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes.

"You're ridiculous."

"Then why do you love me?" I put my hand on his chest.

"Because you're sweet. And you're funny. And you make me blush more than I have in my entire life." I could feel him staring at me but I was looking down his chest where the sheets were resting on his hips. "You make me feel important. Like I'm a person." I felt his lips press against my forehead.

"You're my person. You're very special to me and I'm afraid what will happen if they find out." I looked up in time to see him blinking rapidly as a tear went down his cheek. "I care about you and I don't want you hurt. So tomorrow, when I'm gone, you keep a gun on you at all times."

"Why are you crying you idiot?" I tried to stop my smile from spreading but it didn't work. He wiped the tears away with the back of his hand.

"I'm not." His attention went to petting Wyatt, making the small cat purr. I sat up.

"Well aren't you a sweetheart disguised as an asshole?" He reached a hand up to cup my cheek.

"I love you. Your safety is the most important thing."

"What am I suppose to tell my boss?" He shrugged.

"The truth." I chuckled nervously.

"I wasn't suppose, have sex with you." I watched him as he sat up. He slid off the bed and I let my eyes travel along every inch of his body. It was literally nothing but muscle. His butt was nice too. "Speaking of which, why did you approach me naked the first time you met me?"

"I wanted to know how easy it would be to turn you on. And it was like in an instant I could feel you through your jeans."

"Shut up." I brought my knees to my chest.

"I found it as I complete turn on. To feel that after ten seconds. I can work with desperate."

"I'm not desperate!"

"You certainly are in bed." I laughed, feeling my jaw drop slightly.

"That's not fair." He got out his suitcase and began to pack. My mood suddenly dropped. "I don't want you to leave." He turned back to look at me after he sipped on a pair of pants.

"Two days, love. That's all I'm staying."

"Am I going to be able to say goodbye in the morning?" He came back to sit in front of me on the bed.

"Probably not. It's an early flight and I won't want to wake you." He brushed the hair out of my face.

"I'm going to miss you. I'm going to be talking to the cat and avoiding your mom, who's still pissed at me for hurting her baby boy."

"She'll get over it when she realizes how much you mean to me." I fell asleep while Scott continued to pack. I had Wyatt held like a teddy bear and he had fallen asleep with me. I don't know how early it was when I felt someone kiss my forehead. "Goodbye baby." I gave Scott a little hum before I fell back asleep. I didn't know what to tell Ryan yet. I would do anything to keep Scott from getting exposed.

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