Chapter 8

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For Ptxxobsessed

A/N: Hmm. I think I'm going to leave another update right here. I wonder if anyone will read it.

I don't know what's up with these ANs. It's this or math. I like this better.


"Sleep well?" Scott came into the office around noon. He sat on the edge of the desk with a little smirk. "Did you enjoy your swimming lesson?" I ignored him. I can't get sucked into him. He sighed. "You can't stay mad at me forever."

"Watch me." He slammed me against the wall before I could get away.

"Tell me the dream you had last night." My cheeks caught on fire.

"No way!" He chuckled when I tried to break away. He was way stronger than me.

"Don't spare me the graphic details."

"Ah." I made that little noise when his knee rose between my legs to put pressure on my growing problem.

"Entertain me." I pressed my lips into a thin line. I wasn't going to answer him. I wasn't going to do dirty talk.

"Go fuck yourself."

"Only if you watch." He bounce back without skipping a beat. "You know, I don't kiss easy fucks. You're not easy at all. It's exciting." He slowly popped the first two buttons on my shirt.

"Is that all you care about? Excitement?" He tilted his head to the side to watch me. "You're disgusting. You fucking-"

"Listen. You could keep insulting me or you could leave." I didn't even realize he took a step back and had his arms crossed over his chest. He had a smile on his face that reflected how proud of himself that he was. I opened my mouth to respond but found nothing coming out. "Goodbye Mitch." I followed after him when he began walking towards his bedroom.

"Don't you dare-" Scott cut me off by smashing his lips against mine. I immediately gave into him. I have been here three weeks and I have been fighting myself because of what I want. Scott. We ended up stumbling into my room. We broke the kiss when his phone went off. He looked at the screen. "If you answer it, get out." I walked into the actually bedroom and sat on the edge.

"Why the sudden change of mind?" Scott didn't have his phone in his hands.

"I'm tired of fighting myself." He closed the door behind him, turning the lock. "I want you." I looked down at my shoes. He knelt down in front of me, tilting my chin up to look at him.

"You sure about that?" I nodded.

"Yes." I put my hand on his chest to stop him from coming forward. "I haven't been with someone in four years." He tried to stop the laugh that passed his lips.

"Four years?" He pushed my shoulder so I landed on the bed. "I guess I have to be gentle." He easily threw my shoes off along with my socks.

"Not necessarily." To watch Scott undress was indescribable. He had a way of being sexy without even meaning to. The way he took off his shirt while flexing his muscles. When he undid his belt and his pants while watching me. Or when he climb on top of me with the eyes of a predator going after his prey. I scraped my teeth over my bottom lip.

"If you keep biting your lip, I'm going to want to." He kept looking at me as he unbuttoned my jeans, tugging them down and off.

"Oh god. Please tell me this isn't a dream."

"I wouldn't know. What happens in your dreams?" My eyes went over every inch of his unclothed body. I kind of felt embarrassed. I was nothing compared to him.

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