Chapter 18

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For _ranabanana

A/N: Two more chapters and for this story, a sequel is nonnegotiable. Sorry

I shamefully made my way up the driveway to Scott's house. My arms were hugging my body close. I couldn't believe what happened last night. I had loved Scott and I had just slept with his worse enemy. I found myself disgusted. But a little proud. Now those tapes weren't going to go to the police and Scott was safe. Speaking of Scott, he was waiting at the top of the stairs for me. We broke out into a run as soon as we saw each other. I cried into his shoulder.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm right here for you." It was ridiculous how loud I was crying.

"I love you."

"I love you too Mitch." He began rubbing circles on my back. That's when I heard the sirens in the distance. That bastard still gave them the tape. I pushed Scott away.

"You have to go!" He looked in the direction of the gates.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Scott, you don't understand! They have enough evidence to kill you! Now run!" I shoved him back roughly but he regained his footing and stood defiantly. "Why aren't you running?!"

"Because where would I go! I won't be happy without you!" I let out a loud sob.

"They need someone!"

"They'll kill you too." There were tears building up in his eyes. "I can't live without you." He pulled me into a short kiss that left me breathless.

"Please run." One of his tears dropped on my cheek.

"I can't."

"Why are you crying you idiot?" That earned a small chuckle from him.

"Because I'm in love with you." It wasn't that long until police cars and SWAT team were in front of us. Scott had me protectively placed behind him. I stood on my toes to whisper in his ear.

"I do too. That's why I can't let you do this." I ran forward before Scott could stop me and I was standing between him and the police.

"Mitch?" Ryan stepped out of one of the cars and stood a few feet in front of me. "What happened to you?" I thought about my answer.

"He's not a bad guy." My boss looked confused.

"Who isn't?"

"Scott. He's nice and he's amazing-"

"You had sex with him. You broke a strict contract!" I squeezed my eyes shut as he yelled at me.

"He has Stockholm Syndrome." Scott spoke from behind me. He had his hands up in a form of surrender. "I....raped him. I made him feel special so he would give into me. Give me information on my case. I knew he was an agent." I shook my head. It wasn't like that. Scott never raped me. It was my decision! Why is he doing this?

"No-" I tried to interrupt but he yelled at me.

"Shut the hell up!" He was protecting me. If I did have Stockholm, I would be able to keep my job and out of prison. Scott would be dead though. I ran towards him and hugged him.

"Please don't." I whispered so no one else could hear. The way he put his hands on me now was different than ever before. It was like he was treating me like an object instead of a person.

"I'm keeping you safe."

"P-Please don't." I was having trouble speaking.

"Please go along with it Mitch." My hands balled up into fists along with the fabric of his shirt.

"I don't want to. How am I suppose to live knowing you're dead?!" I screamed the last sentence into his shirt where my face was buried. I could feel that he was trying not to cry.

"Because you're meant to catch the bad guys and that's all I am." His hands desperately held me closer. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He tilted my chin up so he could kiss me and I heard the noise of disgust from the people around us. Not because we're gay but because they believed a criminal brainwashed me.

This was the last kiss I was going to have. I wasn't even able to spend one last night with him tangled in the sheets. The last kiss I was able to have. That was surround by a bunch of people that think I fell in love with this man because I was in some sort of shock. But I really loved him. I wanted to spend every moment of my life with him.

"Why didn't you run?"

"Because I couldn't have ran with you." I fell to my knees as Scott was ripped out of my arms and slammed against the gravel road. His cheek was digging into the rocks and he finally let the tears flow freely. They would think it was because he was hurt. But his blue eyes were staring up at me. I put a shaky hand forward to touch him. Someone pulled me into their arms. It was Ryan trying to comfort me.

"It's okay. You're okay." I looked over his shoulder to were they were taking Scott to a police car. It wasn't okay. I lost the man I love to some complete bullshit story he made up.

I was sitting in a ambulance with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. They were searching the house and Scott was on his way to interrogation. The distraction that Scott put on gave enough time for everyone inside the house to run. He saved them from a life full of prison and their kids being put in an orphanage. I, on the other hand, kept breaking down and they would say it would heal with time. But they didn't know that. Because it wasn't.

"We found this inside." A pathetic meow came from inside a box one of the officers was holding. I ran forward to open it.

"Wyatt." The cat was laying down in the box with a frightened look on his face. I picked the cat up and cuddled it in my arms.

"I don't think-"

"Come on. Cut the guy a break." The officers let me keep Wyatt as I went back to the ambulance. Ryan came to sit down next to me.

"How are you feeling?" I didn't answer. I kept petting Wyatt. But the cat wouldn't purr. He would just sit there and know that I needed to be comforted. "It must have been awful." I looked Ryan straight in the eyes.

"They were the best days of my life."

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