Chapter 15

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For AnnMarieThrush


I couldn't sleep. I was laying in my bed at midnight, trying to keep myself from crying. Every time it would blink, my wet eyelashes would brush against my cheeks. I would go over in my head how gentle Scott use to kiss me. How his body worked in time with mine. The nightmares were worse now too. To the point where if I closed my eyes the images would immediately flash through my mind. So I was stuck awake with no one to comfort me.

"You look like shit." Scott was standing in the doorway to the office with his hands shoved in his pockets. He looked pissed. He took a couple steps closer. "They told me you were an agent."

"How long?" My voice was strained.

"The first day you were here. But I denied it."


"Because the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I was going to fall in love with you." He was in love with me? I went to take a step forward but he held a gun up. "I should kill you."

"Do it." I was squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my fists. I was waiting for it to happen. For eternal darkness. What I didn't expect was his lips pressing against mine in a short kiss. I opened my eyes to look at him as I took a step back.

"I told you....I love you."

"You killed Kirstie." He shook his head.

"Yakutz killed Kirstie." I pointed at his gun.

"You were going to kill me." He took out the clicked and showed me it was empty.

"I was pissed but I would never hurt you." He put a bullet in the clip and gave the gun to me. He maneuvered so I was pointing the gun at his head. "Do it."

"I can't."

"Why not?! I'm a killer! I'm the man that killed your father so kill me!" I was backed into the desk behind me.

"I c-can't. You're not a killer."

"You be surprised Mitch. Though you know everything about me Agent Grassi. Tell me about myself." I shook my head.

"They got it wrong." I set the gun on the desk. I wasn't going to hurt Scott. He was walking away until he reached the doorway. That's when he stopped to speak.

"I'm turning myself in after I make sure all my employees have enough money to live out their lives." I ran forward to wrap my arms around his torso.

"Please don't. I got on this case when I thought you were a bad guy but now I know you're not." I was taking deep breaths so I wouldn't cry. He turned around and his lips brushed against mine. He was asking for permission to kiss me. And I let him. "Why are you letting me off so easy?"

"How am I suppose to be mad at you? For five days I've been sitting in my bed craving you." I felt my breathing pick up pace. I could just imagine that in my head. I turned my head when he began kissing my neck. I missed this. It felt amazing. His hand went underneath my shirt.

"No." He pulled away with confused expression. "Not here." Next thing I know, I was slammed up against Scott's bedroom wall with his lips on mine. I slowly felt the image of his dead body slipping from my head. I was lowered onto the bed. I've never been in Scott's room. After taking off my shirt, I could feel the silky feeling of the bright red sheets on my bare skin.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

"Why are you nice to me?" He was looking down at me with a teasing smirk.

"It's exciting. The good and the bad." His hand was slowly traveling down my chest. "I can make you feel bad." How did we go back to be so normal? I felt my guilt still there though.

"I tried to kill you."

"It was Terry. He offered to find your brother. You talk in your sleep. The little sleep you get." I shoved his shoulder lightly.

"Stop watching me on the cameras." He kissed under my jaw and my hands went to grip his shoulders.

"I didn't. I would come in to comfort you." He was whispering against my skin. Even after I betrayed him, he took care of me. He was scraping his teeth along my chest. I leaned up to kiss him. I was tired of not being able to touch him.


"Shut up Mitch." Everything felt different this time. Calculated to the point for both of us to reach so much pleasure. And it was slow. This was making love. Our lips were connected the whole time except when I let out a small gasp or a giggle. Scott made me feel like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

"Scott?" He was laying on top of my chest, trying to catch his breath. He hummed his acknowledgment. "Why didn't you kill me? When you first knew?"

"I was going to use you. I was going to fuck you." He rolled onto his back. "But it turned into something more than that." I slipped my hand into his.

"I...." I couldn't say anything. It was caught in my throat. "The cat fucking hates me." He laughed loudly.

"Wyatt doesn't hate you." I pursed my lips.

"I put a gun to your head. That's why he won't let me pet him."

"You didn't pull the trigger. That's good enough for me." I sat up to look down on him, taking my hand back.

"I can't believe you're fine with this."

"I like to fix things that are broken. Confusion is a part of being broken." I buzzed my lips in annoyance. I glanced around his room. He wasn't wrong when he said this room was messy. But it was just papers with random scribblings in different languages. He kissed my shoulder blade and I felt a chill at such a sweet sign of affection. That's when Wyatt came up to lay by me. I scratched under his chin. "See? Not mad."

"He knows you forgave me." I looked over my shoulder to Scott. "I love you." I admitted what I was feeling. The smile was slowly making its way onto his lips.

"Yeah." He leaned up to put his lips inches away from mine. "I happen to love you too."

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