23.) at last

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"Remedy," by Adele

That night, things sort of began to fall back into place. After the fight with the beast was over, and the beast was defeated, Theo tried to continue the fight, but Kira quickly ended that. She ended up sending somewhere only the skin walkers knew.

Ella learned Hayden was injured badly by Sebastian, but Deaton managed to help. But no one knew if she would heal. So in end Ella and Liam convinced Scott to give Hayden the bite so she could be a full werewolf.

Liam ended up spending the night with Ella at the Stilinski household. Although the villain was defeated, Ella was still sure she would have trouble sleeping. But begin in the arms of Liam made her feel safe and secure. And for the first time in a long time, she slept peacefully.

The next day, everyone returned to normal. At least somewhat.

Kira was leaving the pack to join the skin walkers, and find control over the fox spirit. Scott was upset, but he knew it was something she had to do.

Mason finally seemed to officially begin a relationship with Corey. He had everyone supporting him and helping return back to normal.

And Ella, well she spent a lot of her time catching up on school work. With the beast and the Dread Doctors, school was the last thing she thought about.

The first thing she thought about was Rachel. Through everything, Rachel was always on her mind. After her body was found, she was buried. But Ella never got to attend the funeral. Theo held her captive for days and she didn't even know until the sheriff told her.

So there she was that late afternoon, visiting her sister's tombstone with Liam.

"I couldn't save her." Ella said softly.

"You tried. You fought with everything you had." Liam said.

"And it still wasn't enough." She said, "When I was dying, I thought I would finally see her again. I thought, 'well at least we'll both be at peace together.' I thought I would have the chance to apologize for not saving her."

"Hey. If she were here right now, she would be so proud of you. You tried everything you could to save her. It wasn't your fault what happened to her." He told.

"Isn't it? The Dread Doctors experimented on her because of what I am. They though we were related by blood. They wanted to replicate me. So isn't it my fault?"

"No. The ones at fault are the Dread Doctors. You just happened to be a part of the sick game they played. That doesn't mean you caused her to die."

"It just feels like it is." She told him, "I just wish she was still here with me. I don't have any family left."

"You have me. You have Stiles and his dad. You have the pack. We're your family. And we're never leaving you." Liam said.

"Have I told you I love you?"

"Once or twice." He smiled, "But hey, I have something for you."

Liam reached into the pocket of his jacket, and for a few seconds, searched for what he had. He pulled out a beautiful, silver necklace from his pocket and held it out. The chain had a single small charm of an anchor.

"Here. It's for you."

"Liam, it's beautiful. W-What, why?"

"I almost lost before. I thought you were dead, and you were, but you came back to me. I had never felt so scared. Losing you, it was heartbreaking. I was out of control. I almost killed Scott!" He said, "I got you this, because I love you, and I always want you by my side. You are my anchor, Ella, and I'd be lost without you."

"I love it."


That night, Liam walked Ella back to Stiles' house. The two walked inside to find Stiles, the sheriff, and Scott sitting in the living. Scott and Stiles had the biggest smiles on their faces, causing Ella to become suspicious.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked.

"Hey Ella, come here." Noah said.

Ella nervously sat in front of Noah and next to Liam. She looked around at everyone, confused about what the sheriff was about to tell her.

"Ella, I had a talk with a social worker. Because you are under 18, you have to be under the watch of an adult. Now since you don't have any other relatives, you'd have to go into the foster system." Noah told.

"What? But I don't want to go to a foster home." She said.

"I know. So I had a talk with her, and well, there is the choice of adoption."


"By me." He said, "Ella how would you feel about being adopted by me?"

"You want to adopt me?" She asked.

"Yeah. If you would like."

"Wha- I. Yes."

"Was that a yes?" Scott asked.

"Yes." She said, "Yes!"

The sheriff smiled as he walked over to her, giving her the biggest, most welcoming hug. Ella felt her eyes water as she hugged him.

"Now. The process would usually take a long time, but being the sheriff has its benefits. It should only take a few weeks. Then you'll officially be a part of the Stilinski family."

"Thank you." She said, crying a bit from joy.

Ella smiled at everyone around the room. Although she had lost so many people, she knew she'd always have a family by her side.

And at last, she finally felt at home.

the end

hey! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. So you've finally reached the end of this book. I really hoped you enjoyed it. I'm sorry it took forever to finish.



it's pretty important for the third book.
and yes, I'm making another!

I just love Ella and story, and I really want to continue writing it. And I really hope you all stick around for it. Anyways that's it for now. Thanks for reading all the way to the end. It means so much that you all enjoyed it. I also can't believe the amount the reads it's gotten. I don't say it very often but thank you so much. It truly means a lot.

Anyway that's it for this book.

If you guys need anything else to read, check out my other stories, it would mean a lot.

Anyways, thank you guys again.

I hope you enjoyed.

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