19.) her return

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"Like I'm Gonna Loose You," sung by Jasmine Thompson

Liam sat on the table across from the couch. His knee moved up and down from the nerves, and the silence was killing him. Her body laid unfolded on Stiles' couch, still unconscious. He listened to her heartbeat, and watched as her chest rose and fell. Malia and Kira watched from the kitchen along with Mason and Hayden. They watched Liam intently, hoping her wouldn't snap. They wanted to give him space to breathe and process everything. He was still slightly in shock as he stared at his once dead girlfriend. His hand held her's, never wanting to let go. He was afraid he'd loose her again.

The steady silence was soon interrupted when Ella woke with a start. She let out a loud gasp, and sat up right away. Her bright green eyes were in the place of her regular blue eyes, but they soon went away. Her eyes moved everywhere as she tried to read her surroundings. What stopped her was the sight of Liam. His mouth hung open as his eyes began to tear up. Ella let out a breath that sound like a laugh as her eyes never left him.


"Ella?" He smiled.

She nodded as she began to cry. Liam instantly pulled her close to him into a tight embrace. They held each other as they both let out tears. He pulled away, cupping her face.

"You're really alive. It's really you."

"I'm alive Liam. I'm here." Ella told as she let more tears slip.

Liam wiped her tears away with his thumbs before placing his lips on her's. How they both missed this. They pulled away, resting their foreheads against each others. Liam still had her head in his hands, not wanting to let go. Ella smiled as their eyes met, wanting this moment to last forever.

"I thought I was never going to get the chance to see you again." He whispered.

"I'm here Liam. I'm alive. I here with you." Ella reassured.

"Thank god." He said quietly as he pulled her back into his arms.

For a minute the only ones that existed were the two of them. They were the only ones on each other's minds. The times Ella was longing to be in his arms were finally fulfilled. She was back in his arms, and she wanted nothing more than to stay there forever. But when she heard a throat being cleared, her attention was taken by the people standing by the door way.

Mason stood there with a smile and tears in his eyes. He let out a sigh of relief when Ella ran to him. She hugged him tight and began crying even more. Mason soon joining her.

"Oh my god! Ella, I'm so glad you're alive." He said.

"I've missed you." She sighed.

Ella then moved to Kira who hugged her tightly. Malia was next, and she wasn't hesitant to hug her tightly. Lastly, there was Hayden. Ella stopped in front of her for a moment, but smiled and pulled her into an embrace. Hayden let out a silent cry and she held onto Ella.

"I'm so sorry, Ella," Hayden sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't help you, or tell you anything."

"I know. I understand," Ella said, "But it's okay. It's alright, I'm okay."

Ella pulled away and smiled before returning to Liam. She smiled at him and was pulled close. Her attention changed to the front door which was slowly opening. Coming into view, Scott and Stiles entered the house looking slightly tired. But their faces lit up once they saw Ella standing in the middle of the room. She walked over to them, hugging Scott first. When she got to Stiles, she instantly threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. But she pulled away when she remembered about Lydia.

"What happened with Lydia? Is she okay?" Ella asked.

"Yeah. She's gonna be fine. She's with her mom." Stiles answered.

Ella and everyone else in the room let out a sigh of relief. Ella smiled as she looked around at her friends that filled the room.

"I'm really glad we're all okay." She told.

"We're all glad you're okay and alive." Kira said.

"Me too." Ella laughed, "So what have I missed?"


Another filler. I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have been so busy. I hope to update soon again. And I'm really glad so many of you are enjoying the story. I love getting your feedback. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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