10.) don't leave me

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"Hey There Delilah," by Plain White T's


As Ella tried pulling Rachel off the floor, Rachel cried in pain. Mercury was still spilling from her mouth, and it was still running down her nose. Her face from the nose down was pretty much covered with the mix of a black and silver substance.

"Ella, please. I can't move," Rachel cried, "it hurts. It hurts a lot."

"I'm sorry," Ella said, "I-I don't know, I don't what to do. I'm sorry."

Ella tried her best to remain calm. She didn't know what to do, who to call. She tried to slowly move Rachel, but it seemed that every time Ella touched her, she'd feel pain. Ella hated seeing her sister like this. Her sister, an angel that literally fell out of the sky, was receiving the worst thing ever. She doesn't deserve what's happening to her, she doesn't deserve to be lying on the floor, confused and scared. She had the most beautiful soul on this earth, and Ella hated seeing her sister go through this.

"Rachel, please try and move." Ella said.

"I can't," Rachel whispered, "I don't want to."

Ella let out a light groan of frustration. She was absolutely clueless. When the doorbell rang, he head snapped to the direction of the hall. She quickly ran to the front door and opened it, revealing Liam and Hayden. Liam had his red duffel bag, and Hayden had her own backpack.

"What are you two doing here? I told you to guys to get away from here." Ella said.

"We had to check on you. With what you said about your sister, we had to see if she was alright." Liam said.

"Where is she?" Hayden asked.

Ella motioned for them to enter the house, and she closed the door behind them. She quickly led them down the hallway, and into the bathroom. Both their eyes widened once seeing the mess that was in the bathroom.

"What's going on with her?" Hayden asked.

"S-she's dying," Ella whispered, "she's a genetic chimera, and the dread doctors got to her before I found out. I found her here. I-I don't know what to do. It hurts her whenever I touch her."

"We take her with us." Liam said.

"How? I don't want to hurt her." Ella said.

"We'll take her to the sienna with us. We get Hayden's money, and we leave." Liam suggest.

"Y-yeah, okay. Okay," Ella said, "but h-how to we move her."

"I can carry her," Liam said, "but if just touching her hurts her, she's gonna feel some pain."

"Just, do it quick," Ella whispered, "please."

Liam nodded as he made his way over to Rachel. He carefully place her body in his arms, while she let out cries of pain. They made their way to Hayden's car where Rachel was placed in the backseat. Ella sat with her in the back, trying to comfort her.

"Ella, where are we going?" Rachel asked.

"We're taking you somewhere safe." Ella said.

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