Clean my Wounds

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(Sorry for taking a while to update. I don't know how many parts I'll make this but this will continue after the episode this upcoming Thursday. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!)

Jo sucked in a deep breath before stepping into the hall, Meredith by her side. You're fine. You have this all under control. Jo half expected Paul to spin around the corner and methodically kiss Meredith's hand in greeting. However, he stood hidden wherever he had escaped to.

Alex sprinted from Frankie's room down the hall nearly seconds after Meredith's page. His breaths were heavy and ragged ; the page was a 910 to the hall just around the corner and the only thing said being Jo.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" He put his hands on her shoulders and craned his neck down to look at her. She nodded although it was faint and even Meredith probably couldn't see it from where she stood. Alex let out a soft sigh of relief, but his relief was short-lived at Jo's soft mumbling of "Paul". Alex sucked in air through his now gritted teeth.

"Here? Did he do something to you? What happened? I swear to god if he laid a finger on you..." Jo cut him off mid-rant. She looked up into his beautiful chestnut eyes and placed her right hand on his cheek.

"I'm okay. I'm going to be okay. He's here but..." she paused and nodded to herself as if confirming something unsaid. "But... I was planning on divorcing him anyway. I was going to fight this anyway. I am going to fight this anyway." Jo took in a deep wavering breath.

"I will be okay."


Jo stepped into the lobby with the weight of fear sinking her lower and lower towards the ground. By the time she had gotten there she softly put her hand on Alex's shoulder and stopped him; she looked into his eyes with determination.

"I am going to be fine. I need to do this on my own." Alex nodded reluctantly.

"Fine but don't think I'm leaving." He rooted himself in place, arms crossed and rage for Paul shattering across his brow.

Jo inhaled and turned towards Paul whom seemed to have caught the attention of Robbins across the room. They seemed to be chatting as he flirtatiously leaned against the nursing station. The way Robbin's eyes brightened at the sight of Paul and the way she beamed as she introduced him to Glasses sent chills down her spine. She knew him. That scared Jo more that anything.

Gaining courage Jo straightened her posture and calmly glided across the room, her footsteps echoing with anger as she stepped forward. By the time she had reached the three-person gathering the shock from everything had worn off. In fact as she put her hand roughly on his shoulder and gripped him with white knuckles her face only showed apathy.

"Dr. Stadler may I speak to you in private?" She nearly snarled the words at him.

Paul's face contorted in shock but in an attempt to keep appearances he turned to Robbins and smiled sincerely.

"Thank you for your time Dr. Robbins! It's been great seeing you again!" His white teeth gleamed as he turned back towards Jo, a scowl forming as she pulled him away into an empty exam room.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped at him as she shut the door behind her.

He grinned widely at her and shrugged his shoulders, leaning closer to her face.

"I dunno maybe I just wanted to say hello?" He teased before flashing a Grey-Sloan memorial medical ID.

"I own you now sweetheart. I'm your boss." He waved the ID around menacingly hoping to spark a reaction from Jo before she calmly replied,

"Not for long." 


Alex fumed from across the room trying to see through the partially open blinds of the exam room. Of course he wasn't okay with this psychopath being alone with his girlfriend, but he didn't have a choice. This was Jo's battle. He couldn't fight it for her.

Mer had finally split from her scheduled tumor removal and leaned against the wall across from Alex. He was quivering and Mer knew better than to leave him to fume. He would barge in and make things worse. They both knew this.

"Alex she's going to be okay. We've got the whole hospital ready to light this guy up if need be." Her brow was furrowed in concern.

"That's not the point. I don't care if we could destroy him in an instant. I'm scared we'll have to. I'm terrified he's going to hurt her in there." Alex grit his teeth, his eyes not breaking from the gap in the blinds. Mer nodded softly.

"You know we're all here for you two. I know you'll make the right choice Alex." Alex nodded meekly in response, engulfed in the slight adjustments of shadows beyond the blinds.


"What do you mean?" His smile had faded and he leaned over her threateningly. Her facade caved for a second and she flinched away.

"They know about what you've done. They just haven't figured out it's you yet." Jo tilted her head and shot him a smirk of triumph.

Paul's cheery attitude had faced and been replaced with rage. His fists were balled up and his knuckles were white.

"You can't get rid of me." He shot back pointing at her stiffly.

"I will find you every time."

"You can't escape sugar."

Jo smiled with satisfaction as she handed him a manila folder; His mouth gaped open and a soft gasp escaped from between his lips as she leaned in close to him.

"You've been served."

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