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Alex sat by Jo's bedside in bone chilling silence. The sound of the ventilator was all that needed to be said. It had been quite a while. They'd checked brainwaves, which had come out normal. But she hadn't woken up, and that said more than any scans.

Paul sat in the reclining chair at the opposite end of the room, crunching chips rather loudly. Alex could almost hear him over the ventilator. His legs were crossed and he flipped through his phone, bored. The alcohol had finally left his system. Now he was the same arrogant prick we all know and love. Alex couldn't help but wonder if his flurry of mixed emotions contributed to the abuse. He quieted the idea in his mind quickly.

"What're you doing?" Alex asked Paul, his eyes winced in anger and frustration, creasing his forehead.

Paul tilted his head up from his phone, paused, and then let out a long loud crunch on the chips stuffing his mouth.

"Waiting. Same as you." His voice was muffled with chips and a few bits flew out of his mouth as he spoke.

"You don't care about her." Alex sneered and his foot tapped ferociously. "You abused her horribly and you know that, that's not something you do to someone out of love."

Paul smirked and leaned back in his chair.

"You thought your dad loved your mom. You think he didn't? Ever?" Alex felt acid running through his veins and stood up abruptly, turning to Paul his arms tensed.

"How did you know about that?" Alex held back from pummeling the guy. Not what Jo would've wanted.

"I didn't. But now I do. Lucky guess." Paul leaned back and crossed his legs, smiling.

"How do you think you're any better than your dad? Or me?" Paul leaned forward, resting his head in his hands.

"You love her now. I loved her once too. How are you any better? I know you've got a violent history." Alex gave him a shocked expression and his mouth dropped but Paul held up a finger and elaborated. "The DeLuca incident is a matter of public record."

"You know nothing about me." Alex felt his chest restrict.

"And nor you I, all you know is I nearly beat her to death and that I'm a surgeon. That's all it takes to condemn me though right?" Alex grew flustered.

"Get out."

"I make her medical decisions."

"Do you have any decisions right now to make? Leave."

"I do and I'm deciding to stay."

Alex fumed and painfully sat down. He whispered to himself that he would never become like Paul or his father. He would be better. She made him better.

"And I'm sorry. But you are the only thing that makes me sane Jo."

Chills ran down his spine.




He would never be an abuser. Never. Jo was perfect. Too perfect. If he laid a hand on her he would die right then and there.

He vowed to her at her bedside.


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