Between Two Lungs

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Paul had disappeared. Probably taking food from the hospital cafeteria and wandering the halls. Alex found himself at Jo's bedside. Her small, fragile hand in his calloused rough one. Her heart rate was strong and her chest rose with the air pumped down her throat. Every breath was gifted by her abuser, and Alex shook with every moment to pass before Paul would decide it was hopeless.

"I can't lose you." Alex whispered softly, his chapped lips pressed to the back of her hand.

A breeze fluttered the curtains and the light of day was slowly staunched by the horizon. Showering them in gold. Night grew close.

Her hand was limp in his, as if every ounce of hope had been drained from it. No. No. No. Jo was going to make it through this. She was a great surgeon. She had made it so far and he'd be damned if he let Paul snatch her future away from her.

He held her hand tightly, forcing his hope into her. His hands were clammy with sweat but nonetheless, they were together and they would get through this.

He let his hands slacken, and rested his forehead on her shoulder. Hoping that she would wake up.

Her shoulder shuddered

Possibly a random firing of neurons as they attempted to shake a final piece of life back into her. But Alex rose. Her hand squeezed around his.



Three time

Then slackened again.

A smile split Alex's face. The first sign of activity they'd seen in the past day or two. Alex had lost track of time. He squeezed her hand back, and hers shuddered in an attempt but the strain seemed to be to much.

Her precious brow furrowed and her eyes remained shut. But Alex held on to her hand and hoped. Her heart was strong, she would make it through this.

With this final thought, Alex rested his head in the side of the bed and fell asleep.

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