Small hands

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Meredith entered Jo's room later in the evening, once darkness had overshadowed the hospital. The faint moonlight streaming through the window over Jo and Alex. She smiled sadly at Alex as he slept over her. Despite all of their hopes, they all knew it was possible that Jo would remain still forever.

Stepping through the room carefully so as not to wake him, she glanced around for Paul but found him absent. Despite her cautiousness, Alex woke to the footsteps, possibly on edge with Paul lurking around the hospital.

"Hey." He murmured with sleep crusting his eyes shut. His voice was dry and parched.

"Hey. How're you holding up? Do you need anything?" She whispered and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"She squeezed my hand."

"Alex, that happens sometimes."

"But it also happens if there's brain activity. Mer please." Mer pursed her lips.

"I'll check her out in the morning. If she is in there then she needs the time to rest for it." Alex nodded in response, beginning to rest his head back down.

The clock read midnight and everyone was exhausted from the work day and the worries of Jo Wilson. Mer slowly crept out of the room as Alex began to lull back to sleep.

Reaching the doorway, she turned to enter the hall, coming face to face with a familiar dark figure.

"Hey, Meredith." He has half of a snarl in the back of his throat. Paul was engulfed in silhouette.

"Paul." Her dismissive tone resulted in a slight shiver. Not quite fear so much as anger festering.

She slinked past and Paul remained in place, unmoving. She felt pins and needles sparkle up her spine as the cold stagnant air wafted past.

Paul stood still for a few moments before heading into the room. Alex rested his head on the bed, already drifting into sleep, nonetheless the chills left a quiver in his shoulders. Paul pulled out a chair, sitting down calmly, his features masked by night.


Alex woke up as the warm sun began to shine through the curtains. He lifted his head, the imprint of his wristwatch in his cheek. Paul sat calmly on the opposite side of the bed. Alex's eyes narrowed at him and he held Jo's small hand tighter. A soft squeeze back left hope in his palms. 

Paul stood as if he were shaken by Alex's awakening. His eyes traveled up and down Jo's body in a quick sweep before stepping around the bed towards the hall. He seemed rigid and stiff, the collar of his button-up tucked wrong and buttons skipped. Pacing out quickly, hands twitching, Paul disappeared from the room to avoid conversation. 

His sudden exit left Alex confused and relieved all in the same breath. He thought back on the few moments he had gotten alone with her and sighed. Paul didn't normally leave, he lingered and lounged within sight, almost as if he intended to cause tension,

Alex held Jo's hand in his palm, eyeing her hopefully for any other signs of movement. The flutter of her eyelids left a flutter in his heart and he bit his lip. Tense, searching and scanning, Alex crossed his fingers. Her small hand in his was slightly cold but he didn't care. 

Minutes passed, anxiety festering in his chest and throat...



And then her brown irises found their way to his.

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