Welcome Back pt. 2

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You ran to lunch excited as ever to tell the pack some new and exciting news. You looked over the courtyard and found the table where Kira, Scott, Lydia, Stiles, and Malia were sitting. You slung you're arms around Scott's neck and whispered, "I know something that you don't know," and sat down in between him and Stiles, catching some side eye from Malia. "And what's that?" Scott asked, taking a bite of his burger. "The fourth amigo is back!" "The fourth amigo?" Stiles asked. "Theo!" "Theo?" Both Stiles and Scott said. "Who's Theo?" Liam asked, sitting in between you and Stiles, gaining him a side eye from Stiles. "He's a kid that we went to school with when we were little. He was our fourth person." "Are you guys talking about me? Again?" Theo said as he approached the group. "See! I told you!" You said, jumping up to embrace Theo in a hug. "Theo, you're back?" Scott asked him. "Yeah well, a couple months ago I heard of an alpha, a true alpha, named Scott McCall. When I heard it was you, I knew I needed to come back." Theo explained. "Back for what?" Stiles asked suspiciously. "For the pack. I want to be in the pack."

"Don't you think it's just a little suspicious that he comes back out of nowhere asking to be in the pack?" Stiles asked as he, you and Scott walked toward the parking lot. "I mean not really, before, he was an omega now he wants a pack. What's wrong with that?" You replied. "Because it's out of thin air. I just don't trust him," Stiles replied, turning around to face you. "And because I don't, neither should you." "Come on Stiles, cut him a break" Scott said. "Yeah, listen to Scotty-poo, he's right." You said, putting your arm around him and resting your head on his shoulder. "Yeah, okay, Scotty-poo." Stiles laughed. "Look Stiles, i think his intentions are true. Give him a chance." "Maybe." He said. "Okay guys," Scott laughed, "see ya." Scott walked to his motor bike and you got in the passenger seat of Stiles' Jeep. "Just, don't trust him yet okay? Don't hang out with him or anything either." "Okay, Stillinski. I promise. My knight in shining armor protecting me." "Yeah. Whatever." Stiles said smiling.
As you waved goodbye to Stiles and walked into your house, you got a text message. You looked at your phone and it read,
Liam: hey, my algebra 2 is super confusing. Study sesh?
You laughed at the message. "Study sesh" always just meant you helping Liam with his homework.
You: Why of course Liam, when have I ever turned you down?
Liam: Be over in 20 :)
You enjoyed your ignored flirtation with Liam.  You couldn't help but growing a crush on him. A few minutes later you heard a knock on your bedroom door. "Come in!" Liam walked through your doorway with a smile on his face. "Hey Brooke, what's up?" "Nothing, why are you smiling so big?" You laughed. "I don't know," he said, "I really like hanging out with you." "Okay little Liam settle down. Sit down let's get to work!"
About an hour into our "study sesh" there was another knock on your door. You looked up at Liam confused and said, "Um, come in." To your dismay, Theo walked through the doorway. "Hey, Brooke." He said. "Oh, hey Theo. What're you doing here?" "Well your mom let me in. I was here 20 minutes ago, but your mom insisted on catching up," he laughed. "I just came over to talk to you about Stiles, but you seem to be in the middle of something. I'll come back later." "Oh, no! It's fine. Theo this is Liam; Scott's beta and my study partner. Liam this is Theo-" "old friend." Theo said, finishing my sentence. Liam half chuckled and half stared Theo down. "Well, I should get going anyway. I'll text you Brooke," Liam said gathering his things and walking out of your room. "Wait, Liam-," you tried to say, but he was already out of the house. "So, he doesn't like me," Theo said. "He doesn't not like you, little Liam is just very protective over his study partner." "Yeah something tells me he sees you as something more than a study partner. How do you see him?" "As someone more than a study partner," I replied sitting up, and patting the spot next to me on my bed. "So a boyfriend?" Theo questioned. "No, not a boyfriend, but more than a study partner." Theo sat on the bed next to you and looked at you with a straight face. "I came to talk about Stiles. Why doesn't he trust me?" "Look Theo, even if I did know why he's acting all weird about you, I wouldn't tell you. The pack is where my loyalties lie, and he's one of my best friends. You can just pop back up here expecting everyone to trust you again." "I know, but I thought you would." "And I do Theo. But Stiles doesn't, therefor, I don't fully trust you. In fact," you said getting up and opening the door, "you should go. Please." Theo got up and walked past you. "I'll gain your trust back. Don't worry." Theo said, leaving your room. You sighed, and laid in your bed. You texted Liam,
You: Hey! You left your book over here, come back?
Liam didn't really leave his book, you just kinda missed him.

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