The Ultimate Rude Awakening

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You thought you could lay there on Scott's chest forever, but alas all good things must come to end, even by the worst means. "Brooke," Scott said, shaking you awake, "We have to go to the clinic. Hurry." He pushed you off of him and quickly rose up and helped you up. You scratched your hand and tucked your hair behind your ear. "Why?" you asked, changing from your jeans into a pair of leggings and pulling a Cross-country t-shirt out and slipped it on. "We just have to go." Scott always told you the truth and the whole truth, so you began to wonder why he was being so secretive, and then you put the pieces together. "It's Hayden, isn't it? They got to her and now you want me to come with you to help her. You know, how come it's all about me helping her? You know she kinda owes me, stealing Liam and all- " "Stop, Brooke! I understand that Liam really hurt you but someone needs our help. And that comes before everything." You were a little taken back from what Scott said, but you realized that the distraction of hating Hayden so much made you forget her life was on the line.  "You're right, Scott. I'm sorry," you said, looking at him in the eyes regretfully. "It's okay." he replied. You followed him out to the car that your mom was letting you borrow. As you drove to the clinic, you started to get really nervous and a bit sad, considering you were about to see Liam and Hayden interact with one another for the first time.  Scott parked, and you ran into the clinic past the pouring rain. As soon as you opened the doors, cries from Hayden began to fill your ears. You walked to the back of the building to find Theo and Liam crouching next to Hayden, who was lying on the ground. Liam quickly turned around and looked at you. You looked at him, took a deep breath, and turned to face Theo. He was the only one keeping you sane anymore, and you knew he would never betray you. You smiled at him as Liam stood up and walked over to Scott. "She's dying, you have to do something. Please." "I will," Scott replied, "but what?" "Bite her. Give Her the bite," he looked down, shuffled around, and returned his eyes to Scott's, "please." It fell completely silent, and everyone was staring at Scott. "No." Scott said, simply. "What do you mean, no?" Liam said, becoming very obviously angry.  "I think he means no," you added in, "look at her, she's practically dead. The bite will sign that deal." Scott nudged you to signal you to stop pushing Liam. "She's right." He said. "You promised you would help her!" Liam shouted. "And that's why I'm not going to do something that will kill her." Scott became short of breath and Theo tossed him his inhaler.  'Awe, look at him help Scott' you thought to yourself. "There has to be a better way." Scott said, "and I'll find it." 

Scott decided to stay at the clinic and even made your mom come to keep a medical eye on Hayden, and you had gone to find Stiles. He was telling his dad that he killed Donovan today. So you took the car and drove to pick him up where his jeep had broken down. As you pulled up, you opened the door and said sternly, "Get in." Stiles had yet to apologize for the other morning with Theo, so you would be there for him, but in the most annoying way ever. "Am I just taking you to the station, or?" "Um, my house," he said looking directly at you. "I'm sorry, for the other morning it was unfair and cruel and-" "You're supposed to be my knight in shining armor," you said, staying fixated on the road, "You're supposed to be the one supporting me and taking care of me and making sure I'm okay. You're supposed to be the one that makes me feel safe, and you made me feel really alone." "I know. I'm sorry." You looked around the car trying to focus on anything other than the fact  that you wanted to break down and cry. "I... I forgive you." "Thank you, Brooke." "Okay now that that's done with, you shouldn't tell your dad tonight. Wait until the morning. I'll stay the night and we can hangout." "Yes, a thousand times yes." You parked the car outside of Stiles' house, and you both walked into the house. He picked out a movie (Star Wars, of course) and you ran up to his room and stole a lacrosse hoodie of his and put on a pair of track shorts you had left there in cross country season. You returned back down to the living room and took your usual seat next to Stiles on the couch. "Takeout?" you asked. "Ah yes, but from where?" "I'm feeling pizza, the usual?" "Yes." Stiles replied turning on the TV. You ordered a pizza from your favorite place. You began to sink in the couch and to Stiles, and you realized this is you at your happiest. But then you remembered Liam, and how much you missed him, and how he made you feel, and how much you wished you were with him right now. You began to sniffle, and Stiles was quickly alerted. "What? What's wrong?" He asked, turning his whole body to you. "I..I just miss Liam. He- he- he really picked her. He fucking picked Hayden and not me." "NO, Brooke he didn't." "What do you mean? He did-" "Not by choice.  After the night that you saw them together, I went to his house to give him a piece of my mind and when I got to his room, well he was crying. And not like crying like a few tears, like sobbing, mouth slobbering, silent screaming crying, nose running everywhere, disgusting crying. And I asked him what was wrong he said that..," Stiles said fiddling with his hands, "He said he hated himself for hurting you, and then he didn't mean too. And he would do anything to be with you, but he didn't want to abandon Hayden because he's all she has." "He said that?" "Yeah." "Well, I've been a bitch." "Yeah.." "So that's why you got so mad at me when I started hanging out with Theo?" "Yep." "Well, I'm sorry." "I'm not the one you should apologize to." Stiles said, throwing his hands up. "I will tomorrow. Right now I just want to relax with you." "Me too." Stiles got up to get the pizza from the door, and you continued to watch the movie and take advantage of the rest you were getting before the unknown long day you had ahead of you. 

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