Tuesday Morning

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As you woke up Tuesday morning, you noticed a double chocolate chip frappe from Starbucks sitting on your bedside table. Beside the cup, there was a little note that said, "Hey Brooke. I dropped this off around 6, but you weren't up. I'll be back around 7:30, after my run. See ya soon cutie :) -Theo". You let out a small smile and began sipping on the drink as you began going through your daily morning routine. You brushed your hair, put on mascara and changed into your outfit for the day. You decided to wear a pair of high waisted blue jeans, and a black sweater crop-top with roses on the loose sleeves. You also wore a pair of light brown, ankle height, heeled boots. You were hoping to get some height on you, maybe even be as tall as Theo. You walked downstairs to get some breakfast and noticed that Stiles and Scott were eating some cereal and the table. "Hey, Brooke!" Stiles yelled, mouth full of cereal. "When you're done, get in the Jeep. I want to get to school early today." "Umm, actually, Theo's picking me up. And driving me to school." You said looking at Scott, wondering if he told Stiles that he walked in on you and Theo making out. "Yeah, he's getting kind of annoying. He brought her coffee this morning at 6 a.m." Scott added, making Stiles roll his eyes. "I thought I told you to stay away from him." Stiles said, practically throwing his bowl and spoon in the sink. "Stiles he's not all that bad. And I think you should trust me not to like, fall in love with him." You explained to him. "Yeah, because you totally didn't fall in love with Liam over the vicinity of like, three days,and then get totally heartbroken over him," Stiles said, sharply turning his head to face you. "What the hell?" you asked him while furrowing your brows. "Look, I just think you get attached to people to easily. Maybe you should focus on getting over Liam and not on jumpimg to the next guy," Stiles continued. "Yeah, maybe your right, I should move on from some people. Really drop the dead weight from my life." You said, slamming your bowl of cereal against Stiles' chest. "Theo's here. Wouldn't want him to leave before I can get attached to him." You walked out of the front door and slammed it behind you. You ran to the porch railing and placed your hands on it beginning to sway back and forth. Stiles was the last person you thought would turn against you like that. Even if it was the truth, or even half the truth, did he have to be so hurtful about it? You started to focus your hearing inside the house and heard Scott's usually soft voice go stern. "Dude. What the fuck," he said to Stiles. "I..I don't know what I just did." Stiles said. "Why would you do that? You are one of her best friends and the person she goes to with everything." "I don't know what came over me," Stiles replied. "I just.. she said Theo and suddenly I was pissed." "Stiles, are you jealous?" "What? No, I just don't want her hurt. She's been our best friend since kindergarten. I would kill for her, and that's why I already want Theo dead." "We can't protect her from everything, Stiles. And yelling at her and making her feel bad isn't going to help at all." You focused yourself back to the porch, and realized that Theo was walking up the steps. As you two made eye contact, he asked "You good?" "Um, yeah," you chuckled. "I'm.. perfect. Let's go." Stiles walked out on the porch as you joined Theo in walking to his truck. "Brooke-" Stiles called out. "See you at school, guys." You said, not turning to face them.

You walked through the front doors of the school walking and laughing with Theo. "No, no way," Theo said. "Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. It just doesn't." "Are you kidding?" You asked him, punching him in the arm. You continued the conversation by saying , "Oh, this is my locker." "Oh, okay," he replied. "I'll wait for you." "Cool." You said looking up at him and flashing a smile. You couldn't help but get sucked into his beautiful smile and amazing appearance. "Earth to Brooke?" Theo said "Oh," you chuckled, "sorry, I got a bit distracted."As you two continued down the hallway and turned the corner to go on to your next class, you suddenly felt a pair of hard eyes on you. "What the hell?" You heard someone say. As you focused in, you realized it was Liam. "What?"Hayden asked him. "Brooke. She's with Theo." "Okay? So? What do you care?" "I.. i don't." Liam said closing his locker. "Oh, you obviously do." Hayden said, "have fun next bell with your lab partner: Brooke." You took your seat at you lab table and Liam sat hesitantly next to you. "What?" You asked laughing, "trouble with the missus?" Liam hurt and you hated him. So your plan was to make him miserable at all costs. "No.." Liam said, looking down. "Well, good! Because you best believe that I'm not doing anything, and you're doing everything. I'm tired, since Theo was over late last night," you said, noticing his heart rate rise, "so, good luck on the lab. Get us an A!" You said pulling your phone out. "What? No," he said, furrowing his brows at you. "Actually, Yeah. You owe me one. Or like, 1000." "What do I owe you for?" He asked. "Oh, I don't know. Make me think you liked me and then completely move on and get a new girlfriend? And then not bother to tell me about her? Just let me find out? Or how about completely crushing my heart and soul and making me hate all men for all eternity?" You said turning to him. "Which one?" "I was going to tell you!" Liam said, turning to you. "Oh yeah, sure." "I was! But then you just, saw." "You're right. I saw. And you saw me. And you said nothing. You didn't apologize, you didn't explain, you just laid there," you said, looking down at your feet, "with her." You pointed to the window in the classroom door was Hayden was standing, staring at the two of you. "Do you think she can hear me right now?" You said leaning in and whispering to him. "Do you think she can hear me talk about the night you snuck in my window and begged me to have sex with you? When you said you can never stop thinking about how beautiful I am?" You laughed and pulled away. "Well, if you weren't fighting before, you are now."  "Okay.." Liam said, looking you in the eyes, "I deserve that. And I am sorry. And I do still like you, it's just.." "you like her more, got it. I don't need to hear about it." You said, starting to work on your lab sheet. "No, she needs me more." "Okay what the fuck ever Liam. Just shut up and do your work." You both continued to work on the lab sheets until the bell rang. When it did, Liam grabbed your wrists and looked at you once again. "I really am sorry, Brooke. Listen to my heartbeat, I'm not lying. And I do really like you, a lot. But she's in trouble, and she needs somebody." "But it doesn't have to be you. Sometimes I need you too, you know. And I have a feeling you're not going to be there anymore. Oh, and never ever look at me and Theo again. You lost that right." You gathered your things and left the classroom to find Theo, waiting outside for you. "Is everything okay?" He asked you. Knowing he just heard all of that conversation, you just said , "Yeah, I'm okay. Let's skip the rest of the day. I'm tired." "Ha, Okay." Theo said, "let's go." He put his hand on your lower back, and guided you to the doors. As you turned your head to laugh at something he said, you noticed Stiles and Liam staring at you as they leaned on the lockers. Your smile immediately dropped and you gave them the dirtiest look possible. You walked out the doors and reached the front steps. "Last one to the truck loses!" You yelled and sprinted to Theo's truck. Theo, of course, beat you. "What do I win?" He asked you, opening your door for you. "You'll see." You said, kissing him on the lips. "Go to my house. Melissa's at work and Scott is here, at school." "Sounds like a plan," he said, closing your door.
When you arrived at your house, you and Theo practically ran to the front door. When you got to it, you slammed it behind you. Theo picked you up at the waist and pushed you against the door. You wrapped your legs around his waist and you arms around his neck. You smashed your lips together and bucked your hips on him. "So," He said, planting a kiss on your neck, "what's my reward?" "Take me upstairs and find out." Theo walked up the stairs and threw you on his back and carried you with him.  He put you down at your bedroom door and you swung it open. You took your shoes off and laid on your side on your bed. Theo followed, and laid beside you. "So, do I get my reward now?" "Yes." You said, pushing his arm so he laid flat. You climbed on him, straddling his hips with yours. You began to feel that feeling you had with Theo the other night. The hunger, the need for more. You smashed your lips together and pulled on the top of Theo's hair. He pulled you hair to the side and began kissing and sucking on your neck. He soon grabbed your waist and flipped you over so he was on top of you. He brought your wrists together with one hand and held them together above your head. His other hand continued to roam down your body, exploring and definitely discovering. You freed your hands from Theo's grip and immediately grabbed the end of his shirt and peeled it off. Just as he was pulling of your top, someone walked into your room. It was none other than Liam. Theo quickly got off of you, and stood searching for his shirt. "Uhhh.." He said, looking around aimlessly. "Liam, what the hell?" You said getting up, pushing him out of your room and following him out there. "Care to explain why you're stalking me?" "I'm not stalking you! I came here because I have to talk to you.." Theo quickly approached the both of you (wearing a shirt now), and said, "What are we talking about?" "Um, I wanted to talk to Brooke alone." "Why should I hear what you have to say?" "Because I need you to, okay? I know I don't deserve you, but I just need you right now, okay?" "You're right, you don't deserve it." You wanted to say no to him so badly but you couldn't help falling victim to those blue eyes and dorky smile. He was still your best friend and it was safe to say you missed him. "But, fine," you turned to Theo and placed your hand on his bicep, "Babe, I'll call you when I'm done talking to Liam." You placed a kiss on his lips and sent him on his way.  Liam followed you into your room and closed the door behind him. "'Babe'? Really?" "Jesus Christ Liam, if you came here to scold me just leave, I already got enough of it from Stiles." "Well sorry, Brooke, if I don't particularly like walking in on you with some other guy." "Liam, shut the hell up. You're the one that stopped talking to me, remember? You're the one that dumped me." "And I'm sorry!" "But you're not! If you really were you would end it with her!" "Look, Brooke I didn't come to argue. As you know, Hayden is a chimera and we think the Dread Doctors are coming for her tonight. Will you help me protect her?" "Is that a joke?" "No, Brooke, please." "Liam, you shattered my heart within a matter of seconds. Do you really think I can withstand a night of watching you two and you risking your life for her?" You kept talking as you felt yourself choke up and your eyes starting to water. "Do you think I could handle watching you fall more and more for her? Cause I can't. And I never will." Tears rolled down your cheeks as he looked at you looking like he was about to cry himself. "I'm sorry Brooke. But she needs me." "Bullshit. I need you too." You stared at him, tears falling, waiting for a response. When he said nothing, you said, "Get out." He simply turned his head and walked out. You sat on your bed and let it all out. The anger and pain towards Liam for leaving you, the quilt towards Theo because you were partially using him to make Liam jealous, and the hurt towards Stiles, who broke your heart all over again this morning. You laid down and sobbed. Just sobbed and sobbed and thought, 'How did this all go so downhill so fast?' You slowly climbed under you covers when someone entered the room. "Jesus we're just not knocking anymore are we?" you said. "Hey," Scot said, sitting down on your bed. "wanna talk?" he asked. "No." you replied shortly. "Well, what about a hug?" Scott asked. "Yes." you replied, peeling off the covers. Scott moved under and had you lay your head on his chest as he played with your hair to calm you down. Scott used to do this a lot when you were kids. You would have terrible dreams about your parents, so would climb into Scott's bed and he would calm you down and eventually you would fall back asleep. As you were drifting off, Scott said, "You know I'll always love you, no matter what. And so will Stiles. It's always been us, Brooke. And it always will be." You moved your head closer to Scott's and put your arm across his torso. "Will you lay with me for a bit? I really need a nap, but I don't know if I can fall asleep without you." "Of course I'll stay, I'll never leave." "Good."

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