What About Me

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"Brooke!" Liam shouted at you, walking down the hall. He slung his arm around you and laid a kiss on your cheek. "Wanna hang out tonight?" He asked you. "Yeah, that sounds good," you replied, "what makes you so affectionate?" You asked him. "Just, all this chimera stuff. It makes me realize that, you gotta hold what you like close." "God you guys are disgusting." Stiles said, walking up behind you two. He put one arm on your side and the other on Liam's and moved them outward, pushing you and Liam apart. "Cmon now, save room for Jesus." Stiles said putting his arm around you and pushing Liam, making him stumble a little, making you laugh. "Stillinski, quit!" You said to him. "Little Liam may be moving up in my ranks, but you're still my knight in shining armor," you said, stepping in front of stiles, switching which arm he had around you, "forever." You continued to walk with your two best boys, and interlocked your fingers with Liam's.

Chaos. Madness. "Liam, where are you?" Is all you could think. Tracy was the first chimera, and the first to die. Donavan was the second. You had to tell Stiles that you knew. That you were standing outside in the hallway of the library after meeting all night with a teacher, on the phone with the police reporting an accident at the school, hoping they would get there before Donavan got to Stiles. You knew that fighting Donavan would be pointless; it would only get you both killed. So you sang. Stiles was climbing the construction fixture and Donavan was so close to getting him, inches away. But Donavan stopped and looked at you longingly, just in time for Stiles to release a pin, which allowed a metal pipe to fall through Donavan's chest, killing him. You knew you had to tell him that you knew, and you were going to tonight, until Scott told you Liam was missing, and that the dread doctors had kidnapped him.
"Liam!" You yelled, walking throughout the woods with Scott and Stiles. "I feel like his scent leads right here. Like we're standing on top of him," Scott said. "What if we are?" Stiles asked. "What is if we are on top of him? What if he's in the tunnels?" "The tunnels?" You asked. "Yeah, you know the sewage tunnels?" Stiles replied. "I'm going to get him. You guys go to Deatons and tell him we might have to bring Liam by." "Wait, why can't I come?" You asked. "Because it's dangerous." Stiles said, "that's why you are going to Deatons office and me and Scott are going to save little Liam." "Woah, you're not coming either Stiles." Scott responded. "What? Why not?" "Neither of you know how to fight and you're both human." "Hey! I'm not human anymore!" You reminded him. "Yeah and your lessons with Deaton have been helpful, but you're not fighting material yet, and Stiles, you don't even have your bat." "You know, I think Scotty-poo here is right." Stiles said, slapping Scott's shoulder. You realized that some time with Stiles alone may give you an opportunity to talk to him about Donavan. "Okay, fine. Cmon Stillinski," you said, pulling him by the wrist to his Jeep.

As Stiles pulled into a parking space, you quickly exited the Jeep and rushed into the clinic. "Why are you in such a rush?" Stiles asked you, closing the clinic door. "Deaton?" You shouted, "are you here?" There was no response, and Stiles looked at you confused. "Brooke," He asked, "what's going on?" "Stiles, we have to talk." "Okay," he said, obviously becoming worried. "What about?" "Okay, how do I word this?" You mumbled. "What? What are you saying?" Stiles questioned. "Just.. just give me a minute." You replied. "Just come out and say it!" Stiles yelled. "I know you killed Donavan!" You yelled back. "Okay! I know, I know you killed Donavan." You looked at Stiles with a sympathetic look, hoping he wouldn't be mad at you. But all you saw was a single tear roll down his cheek. "No! No stiles, no." You said, cupping is cheeks in your hands. "I saw everything, okay? You did what you absolutely had to Stiles. You had to... you had to kill him, Stiles." You looked him in the eyes and started to cry yourself. "I love you, Stiles. You are my best friend in the whole world. And no matter what you did or do that will never change. Okay?" At this point, Stiles was sobbing. "I .. i didn't want to, Brooke. I just.. I just.." "Stiles, look at me. Never in a million years would I think you wanted to do it. You did what you had to do. I truly believe that." "Thank you, Brooke. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." "Shh, Stiles," you said in a half chuckle, half sob, "You're my knight in shining armor, remember? What good a best friend would I be if I wasn't yours too?" With all the yelling, and laughing, and crying, you didn't hear your phone ring. As you pulled down your hands from Stiles' cheeks, you noticed it continue to ring. "Oh, shit." You said. You looked down at your cell phone and read the screen:
Scotty-Poo is calling
You answered the phone quickly and put it up to your ear, "Hello? Scott?" "Brooke!" Scott screamed through the phone, "I found Liam. He's at the house." "Okay! Okay me and stiles are on our way." Stiles looked at you confused, wondering what was just said on the phone. "Cmon we have to go, they found Liam!" You said grabbing Stiles wrist and leading him to the Jeep once again.

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