Deaton's Office

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"So, why do you think you're a siren," Deaton asked you. At this point all of the boys had woken up, and the pack was standing around Deaton's lab table. "Well I don't think so, Lydia does." Lydia rolled her eyes, and began to explain, "When she was near the water, she couldn't stand to not be in it. She was about to pass out, up until she got in the water. Then when she screamed they all fell in a trance, and when she sang, well they passed out." "Alright, but what was stopping her from showing her abilities before?" Scott asked. "Well, I read that a sirens abilities come out when they feel attraction to someone, it's an instinct to make the other person feel the same." "Wait, so no one really likes me? Well damn." I said. "No," Deaton said, "you can only heighten someone's attraction towards you." "So then what is this power even good for anyway?" You asked. "You can also do things like change what people see, and hear, wether or not they like you." Lydia replied. "So how does she control it?" Stiles asked. "Practice. Concentration." Deaton explained. "Can you show me?" You asked him. "Actually, Yes. My sister was a siren." "Great. Training starts tomorrow. I'm exhausted from what was supposed to be a chill day. I'm going home." I said. "I'll drive you," said Stiles.
Stiles pulled up to your house and turned his face to yours. "Can i come in?" He asked. "Of course, Stilinski."
You walked up the stairs and into your bedroom. You both laid on your bed, facing each other. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, what do you mean?" "Well, you're now supernatural. It's a big deal." "Eh. I'm still me. Nothing's changed. Do you still like me?" "I will always like you, Brooke." "Thank you." You took a deep breathe and closed your eyes, beginning to fall asleep. "Goodnight Brooke, I'll see you tomorrow." Stiles said, getting up and leaving your room. "Wait, Stiles?" You asked. "Yeah?" He asked, turning around. "Do you ever get scared, of what happens? That something bad will happen to you?" "Brooke, the only thing I'm worried about is you or Scott or anyone in the pack dieing. I couldn't go on." "Stiles, if you died, I would never love anyone ever again." "Oh, you love me now?" Stiles laughed. "Oh shut up!" You said throwing a pillow at him. "Hey, Brooke," He said, "I love you too. You're my best friend." "Yep. And you're my knight in shining armor."
At about 3am, there was a slight tapping on your window. "What the hell?" You said to yourself. You turned on your lamp, and looked to see it was Liam at your window, soaking wet from the rain. "Liam?" You said, opening up the window. "Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Liam said climbing in. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just stay there let me get you some dry clothes. Stiles left some here once while he was doing laundry." As you walked to your bathroom closet, Liam asked, "Stiles does his laundry here?" "He did once during lacrosse season. His dad said he smelt way to bad." "Oh, that's funny." Liam laughed. You handed him and lacrosse warm-up t-shirt and grey sweatpants. "Oh, I'll turn around," you sid awkwardly watching Liam peel off his soaked shirt. "Jesus Brooke contain yourself." You said to yourself. "Uh, I'm done." Liam said. "Okay, cool." You said, jumping in your bed. You were wearing a flowy pink t shirt and tiny grey shorts. "C'mon, lay down." You said to Liam. He laid down next to you in his now dry clothes. "So, are you okay? About today?" He asked you. "Ughhhhh, yes. I'm okay. I'm not any different. I'm still me." "I know," Liam said placing his hand on yours, "I just want to make sure." You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. When you opened them again you asked, "what color are they?" "I can't explain it's like, your normal eye color, just way more beautiful." "Cmon now little Liam. Don't get all gooey on me. I wish I knew how to stop making you think I'm beautiful." "You can't." "Oh my god, shut up." You said. "Well I'm a-okay little Liam." Liam chuckled, "I really wish you wouldn't call me that," Liam said. "And why's that, little Liam?" "Because I don't want you to think I'm little, or like, puny or something." "Trust me, I do not think your puny, or little." You said placing your arm on his bicep. "Are you really touching my muscle right now?" Liam asked. "Oh yeah," you replied. "I should be able to touch you then," he said. "Yeah, as if." You replied. "What? Seems only fair," Liam said slowly moving his body closer to yours. "I don't think so.." you said, knowing you didn't mean it at all. "Say stop, and I'll stop." Liam said, beginning to hover his body over yours. For the first time, Liam's lips locked with yours, and it's was like magic. It felt as if passion was radiating off of your body. Like you could feel it, moving around you. Liam began to kiss your neck and all over your face. He began to pull at the edges of his t-shirt. "Liam, stop.." "Ughhh," he moaned, standing up and pulling himself off of you, "how are you going to do this to me?" He joked. "Like this," you said, pulling the covers over and nuzzling in, ready to go to sleep. Liam sat in your bed next to you and said, "how could you invite me over here, and then do this to me?" "One," you said sitting up, "you came over here on your own, and two you did this to yourself," you said giggling at him. "Goodnight Liam. Thanks for coming to see me, weirdo." "Goodnight Brooke. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Stay beautiful." Liam said, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He then quietly slipped through the window. You smiled to yourself as you drifted to sleep.

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